£80 cans

Originally posted by ilockyer
www.empiredirect.co.uk do the HD570 for £65 inc. shipping and www.askdirect.co.uk are doing the HD590's for £90

The HD570's are even worse than the 575. Avoid!

The 590's might be worth considering, but I have heard very mixed reports about them, but they are surely better than the 570/575. The 590's however, are EXTREMELY comfortable. Also, I am sure I have seen em for £60-£70.
Originally posted by amazingtrade
I've well and truly fallen out with the Dixons Manchester Arndale branch anyway. I asked if I could return the HD890's if I didn't like the sound the salemen laughed and said basicaly if you don't like the sound you own them.

Yep - sums up Dick sucks' service - that's got to be some of the worst PR I've EVER seen for a shop - no matter what they're selling. Dixons always have been shite, but that just proves my point.

Richers even let me try INNER EAR phones (brand new!) in store, and they didn't fit properly or sound that good, but they didn't even want cash for them - now THAT'S service.

And yeah the HD570s are crap - been there, tried them, hated them. My old 432's (free with HFC subscription in 1997) might not take much volume, but they weed all over the 570s - one to avoid!
hehe the HD570's 575's are off my audition list for certain now anyway! Thanks. Has anybody heared the Beyer DT331's? I don't seem to be able to get much info on them.
I need to win the lottery to fund all these upgrades! I think I will build the flexy for my support solution and then work really hard for next few weeks to get enough money for me jusify spending £100 on some Grado's. As longs as I have more money going in the bank than out I justify it. I am slightly put of the Sen's now as the 600's will be too hard drive and I can't afford a headphone amp. The DT331's didn't sound that good, so its the SR80's.
Good choice amazingtrade:-) However I would recommend you save up and get a dedicated phone amp in the future. The X-Cans v2 should be cheap soon as its being discontinued.
Don't forget that the SR80s take some running in.
Happy listening
Originally posted by amazingtrade
I am slightly put of the Sen's now as the 600's will be too hard drive and I can't afford a headphone amp. The DT331's didn't sound that good, so its the SR80's.

The 580s I have sound fine on the headphone out on my Sony MD - way behind the Rega Ear (when it was still working!) but not that bad either - but you run out of headroom (nice pun) at around 12.30 on the dial - perfectly loud enough to boogie on down to though.

The Grados are nice too though - my mate has a pair, and I have tried them out (the SR60s) - nice U Boat Commander feel to them!
the sr80s/60s do sound nice on portables but they look so old fashioned and are uncomfy. anyone tried jecklin float 2s?
AT, I cant believe I didnt mention this, but for £90ish, and if you like bass, and I mean *BIG* BASS :JOEL: then you really should check out the Beyer DT770's. They are by FAR the most enjoyable overall headphone I have yet listened to, in terms of just kicking back and getting into the music, their bass is the closest you will ever get to speaker bass, and I am not talking little bookshelf speaker bass, but THUMPING, HUGE floorstander like bass. Elsewhere, they have smooth mids and extended, if sometimes slightly obvious highs, but they are nowhere near as harsh as something like a Senn HD570/575/590, and I'll stick my head on the block and say I reckon they would completely stuff any of the headphones mentioned here, provided your amps got a decent headphone socket.... ;)
Thanks I will add that to my audition list. I am very fussy with bass, I like it fast and not to dominate the music and in my expereince a lot of bass heavy headphones/speakers tend to this, but I have heared stuff in HIFI-shows that dig so deep you can feel the floorboards move, but its fast and very well timed. So as longs as its deep well behaved bass, bass is a good thing indeed.

I'm not sure how good phone socket is, but its much better than the one from my CDP. Also I was told when people on HFC adviced me on different amps before purchasing my 6010OSE that Marantz tend to have good phono and headphone stages. But isn't the headphone output just driven of the main amp with a resistor? I guess it depends on the quality of parts used here.
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The 770's do have dominant bass, so chances are if you dont like that, then you may not like the 770's, but I find they simply cant be beaten for rock and dance, given the right amplification, but they are devilishly hard to drive, so beware of this.....

In fact, some people often say the optimal headphone amp for the DT770's is the Headroom Max, which is an astonishing £1,000!! However, they sound good out my Rotel and better still out of my £200 Corda headphone amp.
Originally posted by PBirkett
AT, I cant believe I didnt mention this, but for ?90ish, and if you like bass, and I mean *BIG* BASS :JOEL: then you really should check out the Beyer DT770's. They are by FAR the most enjoyable overall headphone I have yet listened to, in terms of just kicking back and getting into the music, their bass is the closest you will ever get to speaker bass, and I am not talking little bookshelf speaker bass, but THUMPING, HUGE floorstander like bass.

christ, if I strapped my floorstanders to my ears I'd be deaf and have rather damp trousers.
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I already suffer from hearing loss which means my hearing is range is 200hz to 16Mhz. I used to have to wear hearing aids which I now refuse to wear as they make everything sound tinny and horrible. I do sometimes wonder what I am missing in the extreme high frequencies of records as no amont of HIFI will solve that:confused:. However I was told that my mid range hearing is often more sensitive than most due to the fact I have to rely on it more. This probably explains why I am so fussy with HIFI always tweaking stuff.

So I just I hope I am not making things worse, but I hae been a heavy headphone listener for the last five years and I have hearing tests every year and its never got anyway worse.
Well if you struggle to hear below 200Hz, then the 770's with their (IIRC) +10 db bass should be right up your street ;) Mind you, even I cant hear to 16 million hertz :D
Originally posted by amazingtrade
I already suffer from hearing loss which means my hearing is range is 200hz to 16Mhz.

16 Mhz!?!!? Christ - that's amazing hearing! OK - know you corrected that, but couldn't resist...

My Eustachian tubes keep blocking up so my inner ears won't pop - so I can sympathise on the bass side of things. Rest assured though that headphone bass is MUCH easier to get right then loudspeaker bass - for deep clean bass a'la hifi shows, you need RAW POWER in reserve - and that's not cheap - well, not cheap done right anyway!
I've just checked and its actualy 60hz-16khz my hearing range. But apparantly most people can still hear below 60hz but 60hz is considered fine. The high frequencies are problematic though. This may explain why I like to listen to music loud because then I can hear all the high frequencies I can't hear at normal voice levels.
Dont get the HD575, they are awful, with really shrill, grainy highs

Paul, is this a first-hand or second-hand opinion? I own a pair of these 'phones and this is about as far from the truth as you could get. They are actually rather sweet and refined when it comes to treble. Any criticism needs to be directed at the rather fat and ill-defined bottom end (something that could perhaps be cured with a dedicated amp or better cable).

In essence, they're not good for bass-heavy techno and the likes (though I find they rock along pretty convincingly to Queens of the Stone Age and Led Zep); their strengths lie with acoustic music and jazz, which they portray with some aplomb.

I'm sure there are much better headphones out there, but for the £60 I paid (from RS) I have few complaints.

Amazing: if you phone Superfi and ask nicely, they should tell you they have some HD590s in at £80.