Hi Guys - a little advice please. Sold a dvd series on Amazon Marketplace on 27th May, no problem, disks sent the same day. 7th June I get an email from the guy asking where the dvds are. I write back a bit stumped, dvds were sent, why you taking so long to get in touch when I HACE to send the dvds within 2 days of the order, have you checked sorting office etc - get no reply from him. Bit concerned so I send another email today - have the dvds arrived yet - get a stinking one back from him, no they have not, what you tryin to pull, give me a full refund or I'll write negative comments (oh no, now I'm scared!) etc etc. Thing is, this guy wont help himself - I'm asking if there are any similiar addresses, has he checked sorting office, any previous probs with mail etc etc and he's refusing to do anything, saying all my problem. Where do I stand - I will get in touch with the PO but can't see it coming to much, dont want to refund the guy £25 and be left without the dvds:( Any advice Thanks Ian