Amp just blown + IPL acoustics query

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Nibbles, Sep 11, 2010.

  1. Nibbles


    Sep 11, 2010
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    Hi There Everyone,

    Completely new here but have been sniffing around since last night since Nad AV amp has JUST developed intermittent crackling problems in left channel and now thinking of upgrading, my system..

    FYI my listening room is small at 14' by 12' (speaker prefer firing down short distance)

    Currently I have:

    1. a Nad T 752 AV (100 amp 8 ohms stereo) - but with problem!
    2. Roksan Capsian CD player
    3. TDL RTL3s

    Thinking of going down the IPL acoustic route with either an M3Tlm or S2tlm ribbon eventually unless someone points out 2nd hand speaker I might look which will cut it in the bass as well as the RTL3s or better. Am considering TDL Studio 3 (if they come up 2nd hand ) too.

    I listen to everything from hard to reproduce full orchestral classical program, Jessye Norman, Yes, Carpenters, Madonna and Lady Gaga, Happy House music and even like 32 foot organ pipe fundamentals sometimes!! (which would also like to hear on new speaker, tuned, hint! :) ) Don't listen to a great deal of jazz, if at all, but that's about it.

    My question becomes, what stereo Pre/ Power amps do I look at really for a replacement /improvement, and at what power requirement given room size and speaker size limitation of this room. Should underline I'm not now looking for an AV amp since mainly listen to music and would also like to match amp to this direction of speaker..

    I suppose I go more towards musical than analytical in audio taste.

    Looking to buy 2nd hand..

    Budget.. ouch, let's say with £1000

    and then let's say with £2000.. :MILD:

    Would Love to hear all your thoughts and get clipped over the ear hole for any lack of thought you might think I have over current front end (thinking of a Dac on my laptop at some point). lol



    P.S. If I won the lottery think I would be in Meridian DSP6000 or DSP8000 territory (have heard both, drool:) , but sadly don't have the listening room for that system, currently,...maybe I should get a lottery ticket? , but have been dumb dumb here and never bought one..
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2010
    Nibbles, Sep 11, 2010
  2. Nibbles

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    If you plan on some big TDL Studios (and they are very good) I'd suggest a big solid state amp with plenty of power in reserve.

    I like Cambridge stuff and tend to recommend that as it offers great performance and value. The 840A integrated (£800) would work very well with big TDLs and if you wanted to splash more cash they do a pre/power for £2k.
    In terms of sonic signature - it lacks any IMO which puts it alongside the Meridian kit you admire.

    Lots of good used kit out there also.
    If you want british classic you could land a Naim 72/Hicap/250 within your upper budget, or a Quad 66/606 for around £1k. Cyrus are also excellent and one of their Pre/power monoblock from a few years back would also be well within budget. I don't subscribe to the view that they sound appreciably different when working properly, others have a different view.
    RobHolt, Sep 11, 2010
  3. Nibbles

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Hi Nibbles

    I had some IPLs - the big ones .. let me look them up -

    that's it - the S5TL. It was an older version with an ATC-style dome midrange istead of the kevlar mid.

    I tried them with a few amps, and they were pretty easy to drive. A big full sounding amp worked well (although I would admit this is my preference)..

    (audio sythesis, classe audio, Conrad Johson's solid state range - there are many)..

    Had a little look on Ebay, but nothing really stood out. I have an audio synthesis 'desire' I am selling which would be perfect with a passive pre, but unfortunately it is already spoken for.

    somethign covered in heatsinks and a massive toroid would be a good start :D
    .. or maybe your first valve amp if you feel brave?
    bottleneck, Sep 13, 2010
  4. Nibbles


    Sep 11, 2010
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    Replacement speaker

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my post, very much appreciated.

    Now intrigued as to why you parted company with your IPL. What was its replacement and how is the replacement a better speaker?
    Nibbles, Sep 15, 2010
  5. Nibbles


    Sep 11, 2010
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    Cambridge Audio acoustics amplifier

    Hi Rob, Thanks for taking the time to answer my query. Will hopefully get around to auditioning the Cambridge Audio amplifier you mention, but read it doesn't cut it with dense musical textures which I read "aren't always fully resolved by the 840A" elsewhere.

    Although I haven't heard it yet, I've have read it is good with simple program (most amps are !) but WON'T cut it with a full orchestra with hard to reproduce classical program. Quite the acid test for a good amplifier in my book at least (some will beg to differ of course over varying tastes in music).

    This worries me somewhat, but only auditioning myself will of course confirm if this is the case.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 15, 2010
    Nibbles, Sep 15, 2010
  6. Nibbles

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    Not sure were you read that stuff but I'm afraid it is complete drivel.
    Amplifiers have no notion of musical complexity or density of textures and cannot get confused in the way described.
    They can run out of steam and the resulting distortion can I suppose be heard as you describe, but the 840 is a very solid amplifier indeed so that is highly unlikely to happen.

    Nothing to do with musical taste either - amplifiers work properly or they don't, and the CA works extremely well.
    RobHolt, Sep 15, 2010
  7. Nibbles

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Hi Nibbles

    In fairness I run some pretty 'high' hi-fi.. the IPL's were a stand in (pretty much full range, pretty great sounding) while I had my old home on the market.

    When they went and I moved to my new home, I made something a lot bigger and more expensive. hey-ho.

    Don't let this put you off, the STL5's were (and Im sure the new versions are too) good speakers, certainly punching above their price on the ''new product" level. This is very often the way with kits of course.

    Ivan at IPL used to sell amplifier kits on his site too, these dont seem to be there anymore.
    bottleneck, Sep 16, 2010
  8. Nibbles


    Sep 11, 2010
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    Cheers guys

    In the end I plopped for a recently re- conditioned Nad C370 120W into 8ohms off ebay for £220 (which has just had £170 of work on it) so hopefully good for a few years .. fingers crossed. ..:)

    Have to say, love NAD sound, always have. This gives me 20w more power than the NAD AV amp I had which would be useful if I go for TDL Studio 3 (which have in mind when one comes up) on balance.

    In the end, I gave a hard look at my piggy bank and balanced that with diminishing returns..

    hmmm... now I've got a centre TDL and rear TDL speakers to sell.. may even recoup most of outlay for reconditioned amp we'll see.
    Nibbles, Sep 16, 2010
  9. Nibbles

    Coda II getting there slowly

    Nov 17, 2004
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    I've been trying to get Jessye Norman to sound 'right' on a system ever since I started to get back into trying out hifi boxes.

    I am increasingly convinced that that way madness lies.

    It does depend what it is you like about her voice, but IMO most kit is far too biased to the top end and misses the depth and richness that underpins the voice of such a great soprano.
    Coda II, Sep 17, 2010
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