Ampification for Aurum Cantus: Volla

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by dupo, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. dupo


    Feb 1, 2010
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    Hello all,

    it's a long time that i'm searching amplification for my volla speakers, but i didn't find something that i'll satisfy with him.

    now i'm thinking about two integrated amps, but there is a problem i can't hear them in my country (there is no distributor).

    1) Dussun V8i (i saw aurum company present it with Volla speakers so i wonderd to my self, if it's good for them maybe it will be good for me 2)

    *if you have other suggestions i would really like to hear them.

    2) Bada 3.8se.

    few questions:

    does anybody try them?
    do you think the 3.8se strong enough to drive my speakers?
    somane compare them?
    any details ?

    thanks alot,

    dupo, Feb 2, 2010
  2. dupo


    Mar 12, 2007
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    I'm probably one of the few people in the UK who have owned Volla's

    I found them a wonderful speaker, especially the ribbon tweeter. As far as Amps go, I don't know the ones you are suggesting but I found them quite difficult to drive and do need a fair bit of power. I had a valve amp at the time and it wasn't up to the job. when I tried a krell 400xi that definitely worked better. I also drove them with a pair of bridged mono Parasound amps and that was even better.

    Hope that helps
    alphatoner, Feb 6, 2010
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