Amplifier help please

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by KAR 120C, May 24, 2009.

  1. KAR 120C

    KAR 120C

    May 24, 2009
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    Can anyone help me with amplifier choice.

    My system currently comprises:
    1 A pair of Linn Isobarik's with crossovers
    2 Naim CDI CD source
    3 Naim Nait 3 Amplifier

    I also want to install an LP12 to play my records and have a Troikia cartridge in need of rebuilding. No Tone Arm as yet.

    Initially I would like to upgrade my amplifier. Can anyone offer advice as to worthy upgrades? (I guess thats a bit like asking how long is a piece of string!) Do I need to lose intigrated amplification for separate pre and power amps? I would like to 'soften' the sound slightly. I also have an interest in possibly going the valve amp route but know nothing about valve amps! I know they offer a 'warmer' sound which is something I would very much like.

    Thank you for reading.
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    KAR 120C, May 24, 2009
  2. KAR 120C


    Jun 21, 2003
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    I think the Nait 3 will struggle to get the best from your isobariks (although when you say with crossovers do you mean modified crossovers - as I remember RA did some mods in the early days so they didn't need as much current up 'em so to speak...). Naim people will be better to advise here as I went down that route and found a whole new world of wallet lightening pain...("The absolute minimum you'll need with these speakers will be ... ") - I had an amusing time with a dealer explaining to me the need for external power supplies and the holy grail of what he called a "six pack" at that time.
    Ideally, beg/steal or borrow some amps to hear in your system (you'll need some new interconnects for the non-DIN connections). I'd suggest (to contrast with the naim sound) Cyrus, Cambridge Audio Azur 840 and all the others which will no doubt be suggested.

    Valve amps - start with a WAD kel 84. This is a fine introduction to what's good about valves.

    Pre / power - I've not found a lot of difference between pre-power and a good integrated at the same price point.

    Yep - how long is a piece of string!
    Neil, May 24, 2009
  3. KAR 120C

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I wouldn't put a valve amp, other than perhaps a pair of EAR 509 monoblocks, in front of isobariks. You'll just get the bad bits of both and the positives of neither. Plus most small valve amps simply won't drive isobariks.

    As you intend to buy an LP12 with Troika I'd pick up a used Naim or Exposure pre/power with a set of integral MC phono cards. Cheapest option is probably a NAC 32.5/NAP160 for Isobariks. Then when funds allow put a power supply on the 32.5 and sell the 160 for a 250. Then stop!

    That's a classic system.

    If you want a one box solution, want a new amp and don't want to spend a fortune I'd second the suggestion of a Cambridge 840A.
    RobHolt, May 24, 2009
  4. KAR 120C

    nando nando

    Jun 1, 2006
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    why such a cheap option?
    nando, May 24, 2009
  5. KAR 120C


    Jun 21, 2003
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    Because - in comparison to many more expensive options ;-) the 840A is a rather fine amplifier. I wouldn't recommend it in every case but given what the OP requires it very much fits the bill.
    I have an 840 and it compares very well with eg AVI monoblocs, a MF pre/power combo I had and cyrus with psu. I was rather irked when I discovered this, I'm usually wary of "flavour of the month" products. I also had questions over quality but it's very well built and .... I could go on but you get the picture.
    Neil, May 24, 2009
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