another cycling one..


Firm member
Nov 1, 2003
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thought I'd start anew rather than risk hijacking the one below, albeit some similarity... I'm after a road bike as my MTB while great round town or off road is a bit of a tractor over distance - I'd like to do some long rides and get some speed up from time to time, but don't want to get into clubs, competition etc. There seem to be plenty of old model bargains on mail order, as I don't give a damn about fashion, but the trade off is lack of advice, fit, testing etc.. I popped into a good local dealer who is a bit more high end than I'd like. I'd been hoping to spend £350 but his cheapest was a £425 Gitane Mach (300?) as he reckons he doesn't rate anything below that. Now it looks like a good bike, triple gear set, clip-on pedals, gear change on the brakes, light frame etc but paddling round the Net there doesn't seem to be much mention of Gitane. It used to be called Peugeot - is this a rated brand or a French Raleigh? Would I be better off taking a punt on a 'last-year bargain' off the net?
I have an MTB bike and know what you are talking about but as it is quite light and easy to ride a simple method of getting up some speed is to purchase a propper pair of slicks this would set you back about £50 at the most, and would be a good way adding to this a set of SPD's would add something aswell.

although if you current MTB is a little bulky for this kind of thing then go for what you can. i would highly recomend looking at last years models as you can often see a drop of £100+ on the sort of price range you are looking at.

ps. try getting a mag or 2 on road cycling.
Zoomer said:
I have an MTB bike and know what you are talking about but as it is quite light and easy to ride a simple method of getting up some speed is to purchase a propper pair of slicks this would set you back about £50 at the most, and would be a good way adding to this a set of SPD's would add something aswell.

although if you current MTB is a little bulky for this kind of thing then go for what you can. i would highly recomend looking at last years models as you can often see a drop of £100+ on the sort of price range you are looking at.

ps. try getting a mag or 2 on road cycling.
cheers. I want to be doing 40-50 mile rides, so I think my MTB would still be a bit clumsy. also, I can't be arsed to keep swopping wheels/tyres according to how I want to ride, so I'm happy to get another bike. my quandary was really the age old one which also applies in hifi - price versus advice... as a novice I'm worried that I could buy an ill-fitting bummer off the net, but still tempted by the prices! since posting I found some stuff about Gitane - seems they were a very high end brand till the eighties, when they went bust and the brand has now been resurrected by cycleurope, who bought out peugeot's plant. I'm going to go rounbd a few dalers this afternoon to see what else is around
Although some of these may be a long trip many online dealers will have a large store/showroom you can visit.

wen it comes to it if you have to go for a longer drive to save £100 is it worth it.
Zoomer said:
Although some of these may be a long trip many online dealers will have a large store/showroom you can visit.

wen it comes to it if you have to go for a longer drive to save £100 is it worth it.
I bought the Gitane Mach 600 as it seemed the best around locally, and with good dealer support. It's a lovely bit of kit, but will take some explaining to 'er indoors..
midlifecrisis said:
I bought the Gitane Mach 600 as it seemed the best around locally, and with good dealer support. It's a lovely bit of kit, but will take some explaining to 'er indoors..

Hey with being a memeber on a site like this i'm sure you have had enough practise explaing purchases.


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