Are you going to see the Doves then AT?

Discussion in 'General Music' started by lordsummit, Dec 17, 2004.

  1. lordsummit

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Just wondering if you'd bought yourself an early christmas present? Bought mine this morning. Looking forward to the Charlatans coming home for christmas on Sunday as well. When are you off to see Mozzer?
    lordsummit, Dec 17, 2004
  2. lordsummit

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    I need to speak to my mate about this gig, depending on the date I will go and see them, I saw them last year at the Rob Gretton tribute night, they did Bizzare Love Triangle with Barney from New Order and they played extremely well, after their set they anounced they had found out half an hour earlier the Goodwin's mother had just died.

    I nearly got tickets to see The Charlatans at my university it would be odd seeing a band there since I have been to a few conferences and had many exams in the Maxwell building. The reason I am not going is I have to be up very early on Monday morning to get a train then ferry down to Dublin to see Mozzer.

    he played some new tracks from what maybe a new album coming out in 2005 or 06, on Janice Long's show last night on Radio 2 so I am hoping me may sing some new material in Dublin.

    I just hope he dosn't do the same set as Move otherwise it may get a tad boring. I have no idea who is support is.
    amazingtrade, Dec 17, 2004
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