Arm for Gyrodec SE - Tecnoarm or Rega?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Rondo, May 12, 2006.

  1. Rondo


    Aug 15, 2005
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    At long last I have reached the position of being able to purchase a Gyrodec SE but am in a bit of dilemma as to which arm to go for - I don't have the option of an A-B comparison listening test. My dealer stocks rega arms (but can get hold of anything I want when it comes to actual purchase) and recommends the RB700 with the Gyroec SE and that is the set up I will be able to demo. However, based on all the reviews I have seen (and, I have to admit it, partly based on looks) I quite fancied the Michell Tecnoarm(a) which has more in the way of adjustibilty.

    I just wondered if anyone had had a chance to A-B the two arms and could offer their comments.

    Also which cartridge? - the cartridges I have shortlisted based on reviews are Grado Platinum / Dynavector 10x5. Phono stage is a Graham Slee GramAmp 2 SE. Dealer stocks both but veers towards the latter.

    Many thanks :confused:
    Rondo, May 12, 2006
  2. Rondo


    May 15, 2004
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    Hamburg, Germany

    Here's my opinion, no doubt others will have different opinions.
    I have heard the Gyrodec (full version not the SE) with a Rega arm and it sounded very good to my ears.

    I don't own the Gyro SE, I opted for the Spacedeck as I prefer the way it plays music. Personal taste. Personally, on the spacedeck, I didn't feel the extra outlay for the Michell arm was worth it, and I really like the Rega Arm I have (which has all the upgrades from Origin Live).

    I guess from an upgrade perspective you could get a RB250, enjoy it, upgrade it gradually (or all in one if you prefer) and enjoy the upgrades, which makes it less of an expense all in one and you get to kill the upgrade bug and enjoy two upgrades. :)

    Of course, as the Technoarm is a Michell arm, it may work better with the Gyro, so YMMV.

    As for cartridges, no doubt the Dynavector is a very good cart, I didn't like the Ortofons so much (a bit dry to my taste) but I really like the way the Sumiko BPS Evo3 works on my setup. It is a bit cheaper than the Dynavector too, which is a bonus (for me). Again, personal taste. If you are in London Walrus will let you hear a number of carts and arms on a Gyro before you buy.
    I would recommend that!

    JackOTrades, May 12, 2006
  3. Rondo

    el spanner tut

    Oct 2, 2005
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    I ran a OL RB300 on my gyro for a long time but think a good option for you would be look into buying a cheap RB250 and sending it away to Audio origami to be upgraded.
    I don't know how much an RB700 costs but prob a modded 250 would beat it for sound.
    Technoarm would no doubt be good too but I think that is a modded
    250 anyway.
    el spanner, May 12, 2006
  4. Rondo


    Oct 30, 2004
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    New Zealand
    Indeed the TecnoArm is a modded Rega 250. See the Michell website for details. I can compare it only with an RB300, and there is no comparison - the Michell is miles ahead in all aspects.

    I run it with an Audio Technica OC9 II ML and obtain a very smooth presentation. It might depend on your musical tastes.
    McLogan, May 13, 2006
  5. Rondo


    Apr 26, 2005
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    I liked the TecnoArm (which I have now) better than OL RB300 and OL RB250. As for cartridges, also look at Benz Micro!
    Garmt, May 14, 2006
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