At The Epicentre

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by wolfgang, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. wolfgang


    Jun 19, 2003
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    Since I did not really understand the Proms programmes last night I started skipping channels and caught BBC2 TV documentary around 9pm following the life of the people in Aceh after the December Tsumani. Anyone watched and followed it too?

    Lampuuk was the town which we saw on TV with only the Mosque leave standing in the middle of the total destruction. Many (ex) Head of States were flown in to have their photos taken. 5 months on it is truly disheartening to see the villagers are still picking out dead relatives and friends by hands. The only people who came to give a hand were some group with the word Mujahidins on the back of their shirts. Many boxes of donations that came seem irreverent. In contrast Government soldiers despatched just appear to standing around with no direction to help (with the cleaning and rebuilding). Maybe there are more to the internal politics. People seem desperate to rebuild some permanent shelters but since there are none available they reduce to picking the odd plank of wood to make few shanty huts. Does put things in some perspective before I dare to claims life is hard on this side of the pond even with recent events.
    wolfgang, Jul 27, 2005
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