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valve pre amp for ATC


I fully agree with you. I sold my ATC Active 10 to Andy D (the man with the DIY valve pre), then he sold them to Andy B in pinkfish. I used ATC CA2 with the Active 10, I was never very happy with the sound, especially with a Naim CD5, the system was dull and lifeless. When Andy D came to my house with his valve pre in order to test out the Active 10, I was amazed with the width of the soundstage and the clarity with the Active 10.

I much preferred my first pair of  over 10 year old ATC passive SCM20 driven by some Naim amps, wish I never sold the SCM20. Now I use SCM12 which are better suited to my tiny listening area. It is also a bit more sensitive than the SCM20, so even a 35W Exposure 10 integrated amp can drive the SCM12 sufficiently.

I'd like a pair of SCM50 one day when I have a bigger room for listening.

