Audio Help, Noob with noise

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by SUBstandardSAM, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. SUBstandardSAM


    Feb 5, 2024
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    Hi Everyone,

    Somewhat new to forums so sorry if I get anything wrong.

    I'm looking for some help with an audio system on a 10m boat

    I am getting very loud hum over the speakers when high powered led lights are on

    I have a fusion head unit and 8 speakers, 2 amps.

    I have tried re routing cables and also tried a cable moved away from the main cable runs with one speaker and everything else disconnected and still getting noise.

    I have also tried an isolated power supply but that hasn't helped as I believe its noise from the led lights that are causing the problem.

    I am going to try to run a spare rca cable across from the amp to the head unit tomorrow with just my one speaker connected and see if I still get the noise even when the cable is away from the led cables.

    Just wondering if there is anything else I can try or if there is some grounding or suppression I'm missing.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    SUBstandardSAM, Feb 5, 2024
  2. SUBstandardSAM

    Arkless Electronics

    Sep 7, 2016
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    It's unlikely in the extreme that it could be radiated noise so it's probably a wiring issue.

    Connect the audio gear DIRECTLY to the main battery + & - with no other connections to ground anywhere ie through the chassis of the unit to grounded metalwork. If this still doesn't work then I'd try using a second battery just for the audio gear with the connections as above. A switch/relay can be arranged to enable this battery to be charged from the main system.
    Arkless Electronics, Feb 7, 2024
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