Audio skipping help!

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Marleyfan61, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Marleyfan61


    Sep 2, 2024
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    Hi all. Hoping someone can help with this annoying problem.

    I'm having an annoying audio skip problem. This is happening no matter the hardware or software apps I'm playing through.

    Hardware: yamaha rx-v385, WiiM pro plus connected with optical cable, Google Pixel 8
    Sodfware ware apps: Amazon music, tidal, spotify.

    So it doesn't matter the combination. If I'm playing through Bluetooth from any of the source apps, or from any of the source apps through the WiiM using wifi, or through the wiim app itself. Everything skips. Annoyling so.

    Any suggestions would be helpful.
    Marleyfan61, Sep 3, 2024
  2. Marleyfan61


    May 31, 2012
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    Can you define 'skipping' a bit more please? Do you mean drop outs, i.e. spots of silence in the playback, or does the music stop and restart from the same point, or perhaps does the music skip forward or back in time?

    Also, has it always done this, or recently started doing it? If only recent, have there been any changes to the equipment, or your home wifi/internet access?

    There are a lot of possibilities but I would look first at whatever is common to all apps and sources.

    Sergeauckland, Sep 3, 2024
  3. Marleyfan61


    Sep 2, 2024
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    Thanks for your reply. The "skipping" is more like a stutter. Remember Max Headroom? (yeah I'm old) it's like that. I tried casting from my wife's pixel 6a with same result. The only common factor is the yamaha receiver. Perhaps that's the problem.
    Marleyfan61, Sep 5, 2024
  4. Marleyfan61


    May 31, 2012
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    Having just read through the Receiver manual, it look like all sources are digitised, so there's no direct analogue path through the receiver. The 'Direct' setting has the least processing, but that is still digitised as far as I can tell, as the manual doesn't specify that detail.

    The 'stuttering' does point to a receiver fault, so that needs looking into. If it's under warranty still, I would get it repaired or replaced. If it's out of warranty, it may not be worth the likely cost of repair, depending on how old it is.

    Sadly, so many modern products are difficult/impossible to repair economically.

    Sergeauckland, Sep 5, 2024
  5. Marleyfan61


    Mar 6, 2024
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    It may be totally unrelated, however, I mainly listen on Amazon Music. However; and this was highlighted in a review I read later, my ifi V2 is very sensitive when used via a wireless link. Regular slippages occur, which cause the audio quality to deteriorate, until eventually, it loses 'Lock' and has so resync. The interruption is most obvious when using headphones.

    Replacing the wireless link with a hard wire connection cleared up that problem and there is considerable improvement with high frequencies. This issue, as I say, was highlighted by a reviewer of the V3 I believe. I also experienced this with my ifi Uno, again, giving superb performance when used with a hard connection.

    I have a full fibre connection and to be fair, the reviewer was really talking about poor bit - speed links. I made the connection with that and a wireless link witch is not particularly robust.
    Hodges, Sep 11, 2024 at 8:44 AM
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