Audionet Art G2 - What interconnect is best?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Archie007, Mar 2, 2009.

  1. Archie007


    Jan 25, 2009
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    I was wondering if anyone has this CD player and what type of interconnect they use?

    I have just bought this player and for the first week was using a 7 meter length of Townshend Audio DCT-100. I was astonished in the sound quality of this player, hearing incredible detail, it is truly a high definition player. However, when I changed the interconnect to the top model, the DCT-300 (6 meter) the detail reduced, along with the sound stage. The SQ now is best described as 'polite'. I dont like it, preferring the 'organic' SQ of the DCT-100. I am surprised at the obvious difference of the SQ between the two cables so it has got me wondering what else might go well with this player. Any ideas?

    The G2 is fed into a Lexicon MC12HD set to Analogue bypass; Bryston 9B SST power amp into Wilson Benesch Discoveries with WB Torus/sub.

    Archie007, Mar 2, 2009
  2. Archie007


    May 14, 2007
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    I am surprised you found such a negative difference going from dct100 to 300. You have a fine player there. I changed from a ART V2 and had a brief 'flirt' with the G2, but unfortunately the machine failed to read any discs straight from the box. I did try the usb input and found the player to be very detailed. I was using dct300 cables.
    6 metres seems a long interconnect to me; the G2 has balanced outputs, does your amp have balanced inputs? Possibly a balanced i/c. I am currently listening to a DCT300 XLR cable, and am very impressed.
    Other options I would be tempted to look at are Missing Link cables. Missing Link The cryo reference is highly thought of.

    Czechchris, Mar 4, 2009
  3. Archie007


    Jan 25, 2009
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    Hi Chris

    I find the 100 more organic, greater inner detail with a wider soundstage. The 300 is more polished. I suspect the 100 is a little brighter but not too much, just slightly, enough to give greater focus. I think it reveals more of the detail coming from the G2. I dont think the length is degrading the sound, neither cable is sounding bad in any way. I've never heard such differences between interconnects before (always though much BS was being spoken about cable differences) Very surprised.
    Archie007, Mar 4, 2009
  4. Archie007


    Apr 22, 2004
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    i found both of the townshend cables to be a tad rich in the midband, and i felt like i was missing something from the picture. A change to a missing link cryo cable, was enough to bring back the inner texture and detail i was looking for, but with no added brightness. Highly recommended.
    shrink, Mar 15, 2009
  5. Archie007


    Nov 30, 2007
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    6 mtr interconnects good grief!! must have cost the price of a good cd player and amp combo!
    Why would you need such a long length?
    shorter the better every time.
    FALCORON, Mar 16, 2009
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