Audionet Art V2

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by ronaldo, May 5, 2004.

  1. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    after reading all the posts regarding this matter i stand by what i have said.
    i would now withdraw this item from sale and try to sell it elsewhere.
    as no-one is intrested at the price i am asking so i would rather keep it
    i will remember 50% of retail as a rule of thumb if anyone else tries to sell their gear at more than half price.
    it is obvious that their is people on this forum that know better than me what i should sell 'my' kit for.
    i wish i never bothered trying now.
    i did try to explain to onthefly why i thought he was having me on
    i am sorry for upsetting him but i did think it was a wind up in future i will take his advice and reply no-thanks.
    i was trying to sell my cd player and a few people have gave there opinions on what they feel it's worth however other people might think it's worth more there is no right or wrong price, except between buyer and seller.
    tim-f made his comment about being worth more after hearing my player no-one else who made a comment has heard my player, they may of heard older/newer but not the particular one i was trying to sell. i think this makes him more qualified to make a comment than anyone else.
    i hope the other people who made comments remember that one day they may try to sell their kit and i hope they don't have to put up with other people telling them what their kit is worth.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2004
    ronaldo, May 11, 2004
  2. ronaldo

    stumblin Kittens getting even...

    Oct 24, 2003
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    I'd like to offer some support Ronaldo on this. It must be very frustrating to have someone joining a sale thread purely to point out that you have it over priced. Fine, it can be a service to someone but if that is truly your motivation a PM is more appropriate.

    Surely the only people necessary on a sale thread are the seller and potential buyers? To even unintentionally sabotage someones sale is the height of bad manners.

    Edited to add:

    Ronaldo, it's not good to describe someones offer as 'silly' - more appropriate to just point out that it's not what you are looking for. It's easy to annoy on a written word forum where no tone or emotion is conveyed. You might have avoided a lot of what followed in this way. I still believe people should have held their tongues though.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2004
    stumblin, May 11, 2004
  3. ronaldo

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    I don't wish to be patronising but I get the impression you are impatient to sell. I would say that the Art is not a well know player in the UK. However, there are people out there who know of it and know how good it is but it may take a week or three for them to notice your ad. Give it a little time, you may well get your asking price.
    technobear, May 11, 2004
  4. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    hi techno
    my sole reason for pulling the player is to save any more aggro.
    i am not too bothered if it goes or not so not so inpatient after all,
    jst not worth the hassle tis' all. i do take your point about it not been too well known though, but this thread has gone in the wrong direction since i thought onthefly was having me on.
    this is the reason i pulled the sale.
    i will try and sell it elsewhere but there is no rush.
    i do wish i had not used the word silly but i did think i was being wound up. as a matter of intrest according to wadia-miester the cd player was 6 months old lee told me via pm that the player he had had been upgraded from an original art if this is so that means he bought a art in may 2003 very strange as audionet stopped selling the original art long before may 2003 in fact it was 2001 when the v2 hit the market.if the player lee sold had been upgraded from the original art which he told me it had,it would be at least 2 and a half years old and not the six months that was mentioned in this thread the upgrade might have been 6 months the rest of the player a lot older perhaps this is why he sold it for less. check out the reviews at audionet and the v2 was reviewed in 2001 the original art which lee says he had had in fact stopped being made.
    it is impossible to have a new art mk 1 that was sold may 2003
    the upgrade on the other hand was available for anyone who had the older art.

    regards frank
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2004
    ronaldo, May 11, 2004
  5. ronaldo

    wadia-miester Mighty Rearranger

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Beyond the 4th Dimension

    Then it is my mistake :eek: I must have mistook the 6 months as the upgrade, thinking back the last Time I heard Lee's player was Feb 2003 at Robbo's bake off, so I feel my calculations are some what off, and for that I'm sorry.
    I'll delete the said post, I would think again about wit drawing it though. Wm
    wadia-miester, May 11, 2004
  6. ronaldo


    Jul 15, 2003
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    The player is no longer for sale, so none of this matters. However, I do think ronaldo could have been a little less forward in his phraseology:

    So essentially, having had your attitude politely commented on in a constructive manner by a number of forum regulars, you are now accusing people of lying? I, too, think you were asking too much at £1500, but even if you priced the player at £900 I wouldn't buy it from you now. Buying and selling secondhand is all about trust and gut feeling. You have been overly hot-headed in your handling of this matter, and whilst I know you haven't intended it to do so, this has inevitably reflected upon your character. If you can't accept comments about the pricing of items for sale, put them up on eBay at £1 no reserve. That way, they'll sell for what they are worth. Whether that's as much as you hope to get for them in an entirely different matter.
    All the best,
    SimonConnell, May 11, 2004
  7. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    the administrator has commented on my hostile attitude no-one else and not "a number of forum regulars " as you put it.
    for one i couldn't give a toss what you or anyone else thinks it is worth for 2 i would not want to sell it to you.
    last and most importantly i never accused wadia miester of lying i just pointed out that he made a mistake, a mistake that could have influenced the sale of my item, which by the way he has addmitted and posted as such.
    i have bought and sold many items from forum members across the forums i use including tim -f ed needham etc without a problem.
    so why bother fanning the flames are you bored?
    or are you a friend of tones..
    i will remember that you will not buy it of me anyway.
    i really couldn't give a flying f*** what you think.
    you have gave your opinion, i have given mine now p*** off and annoy someone else.
    you really never read this thread that well as you would see i made a mistake "sell it on e-bay with a £1 reserve" my point in the first place
    people telling me what to do with 'my' kit.
    of stuff you have sold in the past was every thing at the right price?.
    i never have this problem on pfm, hififorsale, hifichoice, the naim forum etc.
    there are some decent forum members on this board those who seek to carry on the row have nothing better to do.
    i have withdrawn this item from sale to save any more aggro.
    someone mentioned before unless you are buying/selling it would be better to pm that person not to wreck his sale on a forum in public.
    i will repeat again i did not call anyone a liar i just said they made a mistake.
    you can judge me all you like you know nothing of me to judge someone over a hi fi forum is a mistake you don't know why i want to sell, you don't know me or any member of my family yet you come on here and try to belittle me.
    i would to see if you would be so free with your words to my face rather than from behind a keyboard.
    you are wrong as i have tried to sort this mess out maybe at the next hifi show you can put your point to me directly.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2004
    ronaldo, May 11, 2004
  8. ronaldo


    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Berkshire, UK
    Oh dear:rolleyes:

    I think you have just proved Simons point. Relax, take a chill pill and put the thing back up for sale in a couple of weeks on hififorsale for the price you think its worth. You only need one buyer and there may well be one out there who wants to buy it at the price you are asking.

    Robbo, May 11, 2004
  9. ronaldo

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    anger managment needed me thinks:rolleyes:
    penance, May 11, 2004
  10. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    if people had of read wm's post before he deleted it they might have understood better what went on.
    as this thread stands i look like i am in the wrong
    simon might not have read his post before he deleted it.
    it still does not give him the right to judge me.
    i do wish wm had left his post as now i am going to get more stick and really it was not my fault.
    he posted the fact that someone else sold a 6 month old and younger player than mine sold for less than what i was asking this was not true.
    i was trying to make a sale, a sale that became almost impossible after someones mistake, a mistake that was genuine and has been apologised for.
    i replied to simon as i felt his post a attack on me when i don't think he fully understands what went on as the post in question has been deleted .
    ronaldo, May 11, 2004
  11. ronaldo

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    i think we all read it, and made our own conclusions ;)
    penance, May 11, 2004
  12. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    i would like to say at the end of the day i felt provoked
    the item i thought was priced fairly, i made a mistake and explained fully why i did.
    i now have a load of members telling me i am wrong for sticking up for myself
    i have put up with their opinions on what i should sell my kit for
    it is a forum they are entitled to do so.
    when you post that someone else sold the same kit newer and has a effect on your sale
    when it isn't true it makes you angry.
    i pointed this out.
    if this happened to any other forum member
    they would be annoyed too.
    wm deleting his post has not helped.
    i will not be deleting mine.
    i don't think judging me on what was said is very fair.
    i am a member of many forums.
    simons post was nasty "i would not buy it at £900 off you"
    does anyone expect me to not take this comment personally.
    the pricing of item's is up to the seller, would you walk in to a dealer's and say the same thing's? if you did you would be shown the door.
    it is hard trying to sell something s/h it is even harder when posts that are untrue are made and the price police make some noise.
    i hope the people who said it was overpriced remember this when trying to sell their gear.
    withdrawn from sale one overpriced audionet art v2 now playing some nice tunes.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2004
    ronaldo, May 11, 2004
  13. ronaldo

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Lisbon, Portugal
    As Robbo advised, you seriously need to take a chill pill mate.

    The whole first few posts could have been handled so differently. Now all you've done unfortunately is created a bad impression of yourself.

    Someone looking for an Art V2 will know what they want to pay and what they think it's worth and won't be swayed by a bit of forum banter.

    You probably would have got a sale here if you'd handled the thread differently. Whilst the Art V2 is not terribly well known in the UK it's been recommended here often in the various "I'm looking to upgrade my CDP" threads.

    I'm not telling you what you can and can't do on this forum, that's pretty much up to you. Just trying to offer some helpful advice (as have others). Whether you take it is also up to you.

    That's it for my contribution to this thread. Feel free to have the last word :)

    michaelab, May 11, 2004
  14. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    it was not my intention to be hostile the age and condition was taken in to account when i made the price. if someone says a sold it cheaper and newer b will be upset if this turns out not to be true. as i was trying to sell my player this comment even if true would not have helped. then even though the mistake was not mine as tone has said he was wrong and said he was sorry. i accepted his apology . he then deleted his post.
    if i think it is worth £1500 why should i listen to anybody else after all the cdp is mine to sell. i did think onthefly was joking as there have been a couple of jokey posts in the classifieds. he was not i was wrong and offered an explaination this is the best i can do. i do not however this this justify's what i take as a personal attack from someone it is nothing to do with. i think i should stick up for myself.
    there was no malice on my part if it seems like i was being nasty then i am sorry, i am not bothered where or if this cdp sells or not, if i cannot get what i am looking for then i will keep it. after all it's one of the best cdp's on the current market. it seems to me if someone makes a mistake they are ganged up on by people who have nothing better to do than put a spoon in. as it is a forum where peoples opinions often differ that is up to them.
    personally if anyone on the forum was trying to sell their kit, i would only reply if i was intrested in the kit being sold or to help someone if i had knowledge of the kit. i would not be saying things like
    "you may struggle to make £1200"
    "lee sold his cheaper and newer"
    "the rule of thumb is 50% of retail" "you were lucky to get offered £1200 for it" "you were asking too much even if you offeredit for £900 i would not buy it now"
    where these above comments meant to help me make a sale?
    somehow i think not.
    if these comments where made about any ones kit including yours
    i don't think that the seller would be happy.
    i was wrong in my assuption that onthefly was joking but i explained why i thought so. if people looked at a couple of posts in the classifieds they maybe could see why i thought this was a joke, as i said in a earlier post i made a mistake for which i am sorry.
    the best thing for all concerned is not to try and sell kit on this forum again even though i have dealt with other members with no problems you know who you are and you have met me.
    i have never robbed anybody in my life i stand by what i said i think the s/h cdp i was trying to sell is worth every penny of the £1500 asking price. the "helpfull advice" you speak of does not seem very helpfull at all. the word silly was the wrong choice of word to onthefly i am truly sorry. i think i have enough stick for 1 mistake i noticed othe people not getting as much for their mistakes. ah well such is life. i am also sorry for thinking for 1 minute i could sell my gear hassle free on zerogain i was wrong.
    regards frank
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2004
    ronaldo, May 12, 2004
  15. ronaldo

    bottleneck talks a load of rubbish

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Lim Valve

    bottleneck, May 12, 2004
  16. ronaldo

    penance Arrogant Cock

    Jun 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Bristol - armpit of the west.
    na, this guy can spell;)
    penance, May 12, 2004
  17. ronaldo


    Feb 16, 2004
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    perhaps when i wish very ill people dead then you can compare me to the above mr valve.
    some people just can't help themselves i wouldn't mind if there was a need for it but sadly their isn't.
    i have tried to explain what happened from my point of view
    a perfectly good sale wrecked by false posts and lies.
    that is all. you are truly f******g pathectic.
    "na this guy can spell"
    yep as good as you
    "see that my grave is kept clean - bob dylon":)
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2004
    ronaldo, May 12, 2004
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