Awakenings - Live Electronics in Burton on Trent

Discussion in 'General Music' started by Seeker_UK, Jan 21, 2009.

  1. Seeker_UK


    Oct 26, 2008
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    I must give this a shameless plug - a chance to see some music live and mostly improvised.

    This years roster features artists from UK, Holland, Norway and Germany. Might see you there: ;)

    Advance tickets can be purchased from the website. Unless otherwise noted, the ticket price includes a FREE mp3 Virtual Ticket that will be made available shortly after the gig, these will only be available to purchase online until the day before the gig.

    If you cannot attend and wish to purchase a Virtual Ticket you should just purchase a standard ticket and email to let me know you only want the VT

    All line-ups subject to change, check website for latest details

    Seeker_UK, Jan 21, 2009
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