
Discussion in 'General Chat' started by auric, Jun 2, 2004.

  1. auric

    auric FOSS

    Jun 19, 2003
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    auric, Jun 2, 2004
  2. auric

    mr cat Member of the month

    Jul 31, 2003
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    I've been there twice - the first time was cool (I went by myself - had some spare airmiles to use up...) - it was much better than the 'dam, and you could buy some real decent pre-roller joints, in fact I bought a pollen one, and a pure skunk joint...I was sitting at some bar there at the beer garden (You're not supposed to smoke in ther bars within Christiania) - I quickly smoked the Pollen (as I really just wanted to smoke the skunk joint!)...then after having a few tokes of the skunk one, I placed my head down on the table for few minutes, raised it, had a few more tokes then found myself in cartoon land...the neon lights looked just fab...I had to leave...I sat down on some kerb, I had to stay awake, I had to then move (in case I flaked out)...I managed to leave and after about 45 minutes I had kinda recovered (still very stoned, but able to handle it...)

    when I went there about a year later (about 18 months ago) - it was quite different, we got hassled off this black guy asking us to buy some weed, and we also got hassled of beggars too...perhaps it was due to the fact I was more smartly dressed...

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2004
    mr cat, Jun 2, 2004
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