B&w Dm330

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by MikeD, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. MikeD

    MikeD Militant Nutter

    Jan 14, 2004
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    go back 4 years, if you would, and a friend and i start working for our local amature theatre group (doing sound and what-not). when we started the sound system was shambolic. the newest peice of equipment being a chep sony MD, and the 20-something year old DM330's being used as front-of-house (in a 300 seater theatre that's giving them quite a pounding).

    fast-forward 2 years, and after some much needed upgrades elswhere, one of the tweeters blows. a little research finds that they were well regarded speakers through the 80s, so claim that a replacement isn't available and buy some PA. cue the 330's going home with my mate :)

    after a few weeks hunting (read, waiting for B&W to get back to our dealer), we have a replacement. installed and sounding sweet, we fast-forward another year (to last september) and he moves into a flat in town. suddenly able to actually use the things, they get quite a bit of action.

    now. last month he moved again, this time, into a flat with no neighbours :) just the pub downstairs :D

    unfortunately, now the other tweeter has gone (being able to open them up in a decent sized room, we found the balance in the high/mid to be leaning somewhat towards the side with the new tweeter). and now with reports that a replacement is no longer available, we're at a loss.

    if anyone has any experience with the 330's and can recomment a drop-in replacement, or something that would mach nicely, i'd be grateful.

    if not, the woofers are still good so they'll probably be turned into bass bins (shock/horror)
    MikeD, Jun 22, 2004
  2. MikeD

    MikeD Militant Nutter

    Jan 14, 2004
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    an update of sorts.

    the tweeters are now, officially, a lost cause. he's seen the light, and managed to pick up a pair of 601S2s for 60 quid, from cash converters no less! they seem to be well suited to working together, now in an odd 3-way arrangement.

    not sure on the sensitivity of the 601s, but the added bass weight from the 330s as subs really adds something to the sound (and helps to fill the 6m*7m*4m room).
    MikeD, Jun 25, 2004
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