Batch cropping?


Jun 19, 2003
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I've took a series of photo's of the same scene. Camera in a fixed position, and each one has one item removed from the scene. I couldn't see through the view finder while shooting (camera mounted high on tripod using timer), so made sure to shoot a little wider than necessary than required - just to be safe.

So, now I wish to crop them. Is there a way of applying the crop to all of the photo's in the series and have it positioned in the same place for each?

I've NX and CS2.


Ok this is for photo shop...

Just open one of the images. Goto The history/action window. Click the action tab. Then click creat a new action. Just name it.

Then hit the now illuminated red button.
Do what you want to the image. Hit stop.

Then from FILE goto automate then batch. Under action you will find the one you just made / named.
Source, choose folder and the folder with all the images you want.
Under destination choose save and close, or if you want them saved to another place so as to not override the original you can do this here too.

Click Ok then watch the fun.

If what i said doesnt make sense just google batch automation for photoshop cs2

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