One of those days. So bored i am to bored to think of anything to do. Anyone else get like that?
tape the mrs to the living room door,gathewr together all your sharp knifes and practise your knife throwing.
Yep I often get bored, I get too bored to listen to music or do university work at times. I drink loads of coke and eat lots of junk food when I'm bored.
Yup, know how you feel. Unemployment is getting to me. When I'm employed and have little free time I can think up no end of stuff I'd rather be doing. When unemployed, I can't afford it.
Isaac I know how it feels with un-employment, i hope something shows for you soon. I'll keep an ear open at work, but this wont be HiFi related. Failing that, i have much garden clearing that you could waste away some hours with
Hi Isaac. Do you live in Manchester? (I thought you did?? could be wrong?) ( I dont know where ''hifi central'' is!) If you do, and you'd look at a non hifi job, my company is always looking for people for helpdesk/account management work. Pay isnt great (13k-16k ish). There are much better paid vacancies, but you have to be good at selling. Chris
Yep, catch 22, know exactly what you mean. When I was unemployed for 5 weeks the beginning of this year it seemed like months. I've never been unemployed for longer than 2 months in a row, but I'm one of those sorts of people who doesn't generally sit around and let the time pass by without noticing. When you haven't got money to go out or buy things life does tend to grind to a halt, there's only so much you can do sat indoors.
Thanks for the info chris, but I'm not in manchester, and I was looking for a little more money than that (was on 18k in last job with no experience). I've got a few irons in the fire, so just waiting to see what they bring, whilst still casting for a few others.... What is it with the metaphors today??
Hell yeah! And even when you can think of things to do, you're too bored to even do them! The thing is to try and start something at least! Once you've started it things tend to slip back into place.