Bring Sony PS - LX44P turntable ‘back to life’….

Discussion in 'DIY Discussion' started by Parsifal, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. Parsifal


    Nov 5, 2023
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    Apologies in advance for what might be a rather basic enquiry. I’ve not been a vinyl-user for many years but have recently felt the need to listen to what remains of my record collection.

    Having had some unhappy experiences with new turntables, I was wondering about the possibility of bringing this old one to life - it’s a Sony model PS - LX 44P and formed part of a music centre system I purchased in 1990. Although I’ve not used in well over a decade, it never gave me any trouble and the stylus is still groove-worthy.

    My question is: what do I need in order to bring it back to life? Speakers and a pre-amp obviously but it’s also going to involve connecting it to my amplifier, it may not be worth the effort. I envisage the turntable as taking up a small amount of space upstage and not adding to my already crowded downstairs area.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

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    Parsifal, Nov 5, 2023
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