Having now upgraded I am selling on my Cabasse Javas. These are a super fast, highly detailed and very dynamic pair of small floorstanders that cost around 1500 Euro's new. I have the boxes and both sets of grilles although the beige grills are a touch dirty but undamaged. The black grills are perfect. All drive units are perfect and undamaged, The boxes are in very good condition, a very small nick on one side of one speaker around 2mm long and a bit of corner damage to the rear right of one speaker with the usual caveat of not being noticed in use, it is pretty minor but I am being as detailed as possible - I can send pics as required! These are 93.5db efficient, very easy to drive and I have had fantastic results with my 30w Lavardin. They are front ported and work well close to a wall, are single wire only and are very easy to accommodate. I will ship at buyers expense or you can collect 10 mins from Junc 3, M3. Reviews are available on the web but almost all in French I'm afraid. However they are well reviewed. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y176/joolsburger/RIMG0136.jpg[/IMG]