Can anyone mod this?

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by Tim F, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. Tim F

    Tim F

    Mar 23, 2004
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    Hi All,

    I have just picked up a Croft Vitale SC and Vista power amp, I'm very impressed and I've also noticed how simple they are inside (hardwired by hand with few components). Would anyone be willing to mod them, I guess I can spend around £200 not including postage (which of course I'll pay), you can do what you like and if you only want to mod one unit that's also cool. Looking for upgrades in components etc. if possible not just dampning (I could do that myself). Would be better to get one of you hidden xperts to have a bash than a big company as it's more fun to see what you come up with. I also don't need to know what you're doing beforehand as you probably won't know until you see them.

    Someone must be brave enough! If you make any mistakes (assuming you're pretty proficiant) and blow anything by accident I'll pay for the cost of repair too.

    Thanks! Tim
    Tim F, Jan 22, 2005
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