Cayin A55-T Review

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by audiosanctum, Nov 1, 2011.

  1. audiosanctum


    Jan 7, 2010
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    We are writing again and yet again we have another great review to tell you about. This time it is the Cayin A55-T. The A55-T uses 2 pairs of KT88's generating 40W per channel. Retailing at £1,460 this is very visually pleasing amplifier that is also pleasing to the ears. Don't take our word for it here are some comments from the reviewer Tony Bolton:

    "Zen Lemonade's CD 'Lemon Soul' allowed the amp to demonstrate its love of anything rhythmic in music... It was enticing, luring the listener into the album."

    "It revelled in displaying the fundamentals of music; its beat and shape, and proved particularly adept at portraying vocals. Imgaing was good, with a strong central focus, with other sounds spread well around a generous soundstage."

    "The Cayin A55-T would be the perfect antidote for a forward or edgy sounding digital source... When paired with very open sounding speakers, the results were excellent, with the already good imaging gaining extra focus and descriptive capabilities."

    "If you want something that is easy and enjoyable to live with sonically, and has pleasing looks, then this is well worth auditioning."

    Verdict - Nicely presented and finished valve amplifier with a traditionally warm and melodic nature. 4 Globes Out Of 5

    FOR -
    - sweet, easy going sound
    - expansive soundstage
    - excellent rhythmically
    - fine imaging.

    If you would like more information on the Cayin A55-T please click here. If you want to arrange a demo then just give us a call or email us.

    audiosanctum, Nov 1, 2011
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