Cayin Retro Radio Review HiFi World

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by audiosanctum, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. audiosanctum


    Jan 7, 2010
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    We have received yet another great review for one of our products. This time it is the Retro Radio from Cayin, the 105i. It is not just retro styled but has that classic sound too thanks to it's valve amplification.

    Here are some of the comments from the reviewer Tim Jarman:

    "It is all very solid and exceptionally well finished in every respect. The veneer work is top drawer and all the controls feel as if they are made from solid turned metal."

    "For regular reception the tuning is very nice to use, with a weighted action and minimum backlash."

    "After a nicely timed warm up, a pleasing and warm sound presents itself... there is no obvious 'loudness' circuit that lets all the bass disappear once one ventures above polite listening levels."

    "The effect of the valves, when compared to other sets that use Class D amplifiers in particular, comes through as freedom from grain and the ability to render certain vocal sounds without sibilance and it is this ability that most convincingly makes a case for the whole unusual design of the set as a whole."

    "Interesting, charismatic and well engineered valve/transistor hybrid that give good performance - at a price."

    FOR -
    - well engineered valve section
    - first class cabinetry
    - character
    - style

    The Cayin SP105i was awarded 4 globes. For more information on this stunning radio please click here.
    audiosanctum, Aug 2, 2011
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