CD players for sale

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by Jackthebiscuit, Feb 25, 2009.

  1. Jackthebiscuit

    Jackthebiscuit Allrise

    Jun 23, 2003
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    Both are modified extensively. A Bluenote Koala which is infact featured here koala.shtml

    This has cost over £3000 in total, half on mods which had they been installed in a player as standard, would have probably resulted in a player with an rrp of around £10K! Needless to say is sounds fabulous, the best I've heard, and I've owned more hi end players than most (Avondale CD3, Levinson 390S, Exemplar, Eikos, Townshend and several others). Its mint approx 3 years old and I've a spare transport aswell! Offers around £1K

    The other is a Marantz CD6000 OSE which is has been upgraded by Trichord (clock 4 and N/C ps) plus other mods by CPT acoustics. This is currently configured as a Hi-end transport as I had a Trichord Digital output board fitted, again with its own Trichord ps. This can be disconnected easily in order to use as a standalone player again. Probably spent close to £1500 on this as well!. Excellent condition and 2001 vintage. Offers around the £450 mark

    Moving over to PC audio hence the reluctant sale.

    Jackthebiscuit, Feb 25, 2009
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