ClariT Tripath Amp

For Sale: Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by SteveParsons, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. SteveParsons


    Jan 28, 2004
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    Hi all,

    I am now selling my ClariT Tripath power amp (it uses the same amplifier board as the Sonic Impact - a TA2024). I reckon there are only a handful of examples of this amp in the UK, I bought it in March so its only about 7 months old.

    I'm afraid 6W just wasn't enough headroom for my mini utopias (replaced with a 20W valve amp).

    That said, I caught glimpses of what this amp can do if you have sensitive enough speakers (I think you really need 92db & above to be honest, although people have reported good results with the ClariT on less sensitive speakers, guess it all depends......).

    I think it has a really nice clean sound, but I hate to put things in terms of hifiness, especially as I don't think my speakers were an ideal match, so you can read the testimonials on the link to see if it takes your fancy. WM has heard one, so I'm sure he'd have an opinion on its merits. If you've heard the Sonic Impact then thats its basic sound but with a lot more bass grip and more of everything that makes it well liked.

    Link is here:

    Red wine Audio forum:

    Thread from here on Sonic Impact/Clari-T

    This amp is the stock version and retails for 500US (with import duty, etc I reckon it would cost about 370 GBP to import - roughly) and I'm looking for around 250GBP to move it on (charger included that I seem to remember cost me another 30 GBP on top as I had to get a UK one).

    So what do you get:

    a) direct wiring to the chip
    Basically Vinnie at RWA has a very good rep among modders and knows how to get the best out of the chip. He's also a pleasure to deal with.

    b) Battery power !!
    The amp runs off a battery. A typical charge lasts 6-8 hours. I don't find the time length & recharging a hassle at all.

    c) Really nice build quality
    Really good case & connectors. Everything feels well made (& is).

    So if you've ever fancied a Sonic Impact but were but off by the plasticky finish, duff connectors, lack of bass grip, etc try this on for size.

    Just to reiterate, its the power amp version, but I'll also throw in a "Pot in a Pot", that LiloLee kindly put together for me when I became skint & had to sell my preamp, if needed.


    SteveParsons, Nov 13, 2005
  2. SteveParsons


    Jan 28, 2004
    Likes Received:
    bump....I am now accepting offers.
    SteveParsons, Nov 21, 2005
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