[quote="Tenson, post: 732519"] The turning to mush point is just a factor of moving further from the speaker, and reflections from the room make up a relatively greater portion of the sound you hear, confusing things. Big speakers will be no better really (though very wide baffles or horns can help), and its not a balance issue. You will have to look at your room to cure this - wall panels to absorb reflections and such.[/quote] Yeah it quite possibly is my room. It's a bad shape , it has a suspended floor over a large cellar and has very high ceilings with a huge 7ft tall window spanning one whole wall. I'm not quite sure how my landlord will react with me bricking up the view in the quest for better audio though ;) [quote] Where are you based? As I said you are welcome to hear my setup which is in your price bracket and I have a similar room size. What you have been saying sounds rather uncommon, so I think you should be listening before purchase.[/QUOTE] I'd love to but I'm up north of England in Lancashire, if I decide to travel a bit downwards I'll give you an email. Quick question... I'm luckily off work today as usually I don't have the freetime to faff about on the net all day but I've been searching Hifi websites and come across a few nice looking bits of kit. I've contacted my local hifi shop for a demo but they don't have the complete system in stock - they have the amp/speakers only. So any feedback on what a Primare I21, CD21 and Quad 22L2's would sound ? and if I decide to go and demo , what CD player has a similar balance to the Primare ? cheers