D H Super Cones re-visited

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by technobear, Jan 9, 2006.

  1. technobear

    technobear Ursine Audiophile

    Jun 22, 2003
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    Was enjoying my system this morning (so much that I had to reach for the tissues on more than one occasion) when it occurred to me for no particular reason that I still have Tony's Super Cones (sorry Tone :shame: ) and that I haven't tried them since I got the Dynaudios and the LACK rack.

    They are these:

    They sit on these with the points in the holes:

    So I got them out and inserted them under the ATC. Now I had tried these previously when I had the Castle Conway 3s and the Optimum steel and glass rack. They had a significant effect. They made the sound sharper, more etched, better definition but at the time I decided I preferred the system without, that it was too much.

    Anyway, this time round I played a track that I had already played this morning, "Calling Elvis" by Dire Straits. This is a nice recording with a great vocal, nice snare drum, cymbols, guitar all sounding very good. With the cones in place it sounded clean, tight, fast, tuneful. Bass was powerful. Soundstage was large and deep. Plenty of air. Cymbols tinkled and decayed nicely.

    Then I removed the cones and listened again. It sounded identical in every way :confused:

    So what can I conclude from this? The cones had clearly made a difference previously. I can only come up with the obvious.

    My IKEA LACK rack was one hell of a bargain at £55 :cool:

    technobear, Jan 9, 2006
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