Demagnetising LP's & cd's

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Operama, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Operama

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    RobHolt, Aug 11, 2010
  2. Operama

    RobHolt Moderator

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I was poacher and gamekeeper at the time, which certainly had its difficulties.

    Most of what you refer to is just rather abbrasive banter and it comes from all sides.

    It is part of forum life I'm affraid.
    RobHolt, Aug 11, 2010
  3. Operama

    UK Duty Paid

    Aug 17, 2009
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    Of course I did .. I'm not an idiot .. otherwise I wouldn't know the magnet worked would I ? .. could be someone sold me something that wasn't working .. Duhh .. "Have you tried metal" Duhh .. I even tried it on aluminium to be sure .. I mean some people .. honestly .. the questions they ask ..
    UK Duty Paid, Aug 11, 2010
  4. Operama

    nando nando

    Jun 1, 2006
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    only asking,only asking, just checking that the magnet worked, if it did not you would have taken the thing back for a refund,
    nando, Aug 11, 2010
  5. Operama


    Oct 9, 2009
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    Gizmodo employs a suitable dose of cynicism, but claim to hear "something":

    I'm never going to tell people how they should spend their money pursuing whatever it is they want out of audio reproduction: I just know that, the "better" my hardware became, the more I enjoyed what my system did. Whereas I used to play with silly priced cables and the like, the fundamental differences in how music was reproduced were always due to changes to amps, turntables, cartridges, etc. Most of the expensive cables have now gone, replaced with either manufacturers or sensibly priced versions (e.g. Mark Grant).

    I have no need for the additional toys: I've lost the paranoia that was once there, fed by the accessories industry. Some of it MIGHT work, but I don't have a need for it. I just wished that some would look more closely at the marketing claims made, and question them more closely, before shelling out lots of money on the off chance of sonic happiness.
    theo, Aug 11, 2010
  6. Operama


    Apr 21, 2009
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    Scottish Highlands

    What gives you the idea that you are immune from the workings of your own brain? Experiencieng expectation bias et al just makes you human. Pointing out that you, like every other member of the human race, are subject to this kind of thing is not defamatory.

    Have you never been fooled by an optical illusion? When that happens, it is your brain deluding you. It happens to us all. It does not mean you are a psycho, merely a member of the human race.

    Some of us are willing to accept this, though.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
    Mescalito, Aug 11, 2010
  7. Operama

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    So someone comes here perfectly politely and says he has spent - what was it $2000 I think - on a demag for his CDs and records. He could have been replied to politely, but these people are incapable of it, they have generated a pattern of aberrant behaviour on all the forums to what *they* see as foo. It is the same people all the time and as one bites the others join in the hunt and the mauling. IMO they are the foo(ls) in this as they are just closed minded bigots.

    But someone else (mostly at PFM not here) can say they spent over £2000 on a kite shaped bit of metal to fit in their Linn LP12 or a silly amount of money on a Naim wobbly IEC mains lead and they will get praise and support. That is the problem with this, if they are then accused of wasting money on foo all hell is let loose. So lets have a little equality, if you want a mini war everytime someone buys something stupid then do it for all stupidity, or preferably discuss it on a level of equality instead of arrogant superiority, and unless you have tried it then keep an open mind even if being supremely sceptical, as I am with this idea.

    EDIT - if you want to see a completely pathetic thread that should be foo-ed out of existence compared with this one then read this so where are the bigots now, or are they in there participating with the foo ;-)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2010
    Richard Dunn, Aug 11, 2010
  8. Operama


    Oct 9, 2009
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    Think you'll find that there's a lot of agreement on other forums that the £2k+ kite is too expensive; same with the mains lead. Though the argument usually is not on sound quality, but how people define VFM.

    Personally? Your money, your choice.
    theo, Aug 11, 2010
  9. Operama

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    That is not my point, do you see the rudeness and rabid pack behaviour to attack those people, no, so why do we have to have it in cases like this.
    Richard Dunn, Aug 11, 2010
  10. Operama

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    Owners of Naim power leads are just as deluded, and owners of Keels have paid too much for their metalwork- but there's no doubting the difference it brings to the LP12/.

    Naim cable muppets regularly get ridiculed on the Wam and PFM.
    sq225917, Aug 11, 2010
  11. Operama


    Aug 30, 2007
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    Richard you could always shut up.
    So far you have brought nothing to this thread other than attempting to paint yourself as some kind of genial and benevolent open minded hifi sage when you are in reality notorious for your rudeness and closed mind to any views that contradict your own mind set or oh so obvious self publicising /aggrandising agenda.
    cooky1257, Aug 11, 2010
  12. Operama

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    So you wish to change to attention point of the pack do you ;)
    Richard Dunn, Aug 11, 2010
  13. Operama


    Jun 25, 2003
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    I read at least 20 times your posting, I went back to the thread and read it x times.
    Could you please tell me where someone questioned me about my purchase or its wisdom?

    The first anwser was:
    This is for you questioning? Well then I better learn english or maybe your interpretation is quite deranged.

    The next interesting posting was

    I supose this is also questioning isn't it for your really perfect working mind?

    The other postings you can read yourself.
    So where are the questions which you are talking about?
    Maybe I don't even have that unit, maybe I used it for something which has nothing to do with what you believe I used it for. Maybe I did blindtest on it and passed them. Maybe not.

    It's really interesting the reactions here and how people classify other and believing there are different from them.

    Maybe that could be the real problem. ;)
    titian, Aug 11, 2010
  14. Operama


    Aug 30, 2007
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    Post 28;
    Ask yourself why it costs $2000 when it is merely a demagnetiser. Then ask yourself what it is 'fixing'?. Then ask yourself how the quality audio got onto the disc in the first place when this device hadn't demagged the original source?, then ask yourself what demagging does to the pits on a cd and the laser in the reader/player? Then ask yourself is a laser beam magnetic? What about the magnetic fields from a TT motor, loudspeakers, the earth.. for example...
    Post 36;
    ..Erm no actually, pure carbon has only recently joined the magnetic club under very specific lab conditions and at unbelievably low levels(useful in nano tech apps they hope).
    In case you hadn't noticed your pick up cartridge already has or generates magnetic fields. Your speakers, amps, mains will also be throwing out magnetic fields too. The premise that residual magnetism within cd's/vinyl is detrimental in anycase is unproven, invented by the charlatans who peddle this nonsense.
    cooky1257, Aug 11, 2010
  15. Operama


    Jul 22, 2005
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    If LPs were magnetic, they simply wouldn't work, at all.

    A prize (to be announced) to whomever can tell me why.
    Basil, Aug 11, 2010
  16. Operama


    Nov 1, 2005
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    Richard i don't think its worth wasting your breath on these people as they obviously are small minded and still think the world is flat. Also ones that use fowl language are not worthy of a conversation with as they must have the intellect of a teenage yob.
    Jimbo, Aug 11, 2010
  17. Operama


    Jun 25, 2003
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    now I understand what you mean by questions: I just reread the thread from my first posting onwards. :rolleyes:

    Well I understand very well the questions and I do realize that there are no valid answers to them (a part from the cost of the unit).
    I understand very well the points of view of those who based on the physic knowledge are convinced it is rubbish.

    On the other hand I did another approach: I got the unit for tests purposes for a month at home. Actually 3 time: once the Furutech one which I couldn't hear a difference and this on twice. I tried not to let me be influenced by either parts and I did my own tests.
    Of course it isn't easy not to be influenced, not from the dealer side, since he didn't tell me anything but from the objectivist side in the forums! :D
    Well yes I thought it would be bullshit but I had the opportunity to test it and I did.

    To be short, I did today again a small blind test: I did two sessions of 5 tries (my son did the operating, 30 minutes paus between the 2 sessions) and totally I did 9 out of 10. The one I missed I was very unsure (the others were clear decisions). Statistically though wrong.
    The interesting point of this small blind test is that from the first time and second time I hear the same track more than 2 minutes passes, so I find that the difference is quite hearable when you know what to look for in the sound. This took me though over a year to realize/find. Actually a few days ago I noticed that I hear the difference much better with pop music, which actually I hardly know. Today I used Saga LPs which we bought 7 years ago from a guy and which I never listened to. I never heard more than 30 seconds a track (try). In that time I decided treated / not treated. With classical music, which I always use for my tests, I cannot hear such a difference and I actually have more problems in blind tests. The reason I would like to find out.

    At this point the questions raised by the objectivist are for me even more a puzzle because I can demonstrate here that there is a fine difference. If it is because my system isn't working properly or something else, I don't know. Maybe it has nothing to do with the bullshit what people say, how it works (magnetism).

    Now about the prize: a part from the fact that every day we buy or use stuff that cost hundred / thousand times more than the manufacturing prize, I have 6000 LPs, over 3000 CDs the cost of the unit per CD/LP is very low especially taking in consideration I'll use it till the end of my days (if the unit doesn't break down before).

    I always like to test my ears so I'll continue to do blind tests every so often on this unit and other units.

    Another question: would I recommend the unit to someone else? My answer is clearly no unless that person doesn't need to get better electronic, he has his own listening room acoustically optimized, can hear a sound difference with this RL-30 and consider the difference big enough for a "must to have".
    titian, Aug 11, 2010
  18. Operama

    sq225917 Exposer of Foo

    Jan 11, 2007
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    So now it's effects are greater with different types of music, perhaps it knows what is on the record.
    sq225917, Aug 11, 2010
  19. Operama


    Apr 21, 2009
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    Scottish Highlands
    At least they appear to have a better education than someone who spells "foul" as "fowl".

    And, as to still thinking the world is flat, no, the available, reproduceable evidence points to the world being an oblate sheroid. That's good enough for me. That is actually a good example. The evidence of my senses points to the world being flat. But their is an overwhelming body of evidence telling me that my senses are being fooled, so I have no problem conceding that in this instance, I cannot trust my senses.

    So, personally, all I ask is for some rational, evidence-based justification for what appear to be claims based upon witchcraft. Not a lot to ask, surely?

    So come on, put up or shut up. Or do you prefer to live in a cosy child-like world of audio foo fairies?

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2010
    Mescalito, Aug 12, 2010
  20. Operama

    Richard Dunn

    Jul 5, 2006
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    See perfect example, first establish a sneering superiority, due to your victim making a spelling mistake or putting a comma in the wrong place. Then start the game of claiming anything or anyone who has become the target for your mauling is into witchcraft or "a cosy child-like world of audio foo fairies".

    It just follows the same pattern everytime, it is just so boring, and the poster didn't even mention anything about the product being foo-ed. So now you are into fairies if you just get fed up with attempts at sneering superiority and support someone elses opinion about it.

    OK lets look at it from the other side, why don't opponents and supporters of this concept buy a magnet, 'cos what demags surely will mag. Then the supporters can do a before and after AB and the dissers can confirm their system are not good enough to hear even a fart in a thunderstorm, which seems to be the obvious major characteristic they share. :D :p I am in neither camp so I can be referee, having been on the receiving end about so many other foo-s, it makes you wonder if these people even believe in their own reality ;) "I think, therefore I am, I think" (apologies to Justin Hayward).
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2010
    Richard Dunn, Aug 12, 2010
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