Earning £100k a year - Silly young people who think they can

Personally I don't see what the British thing is about saying how much you earn

It's not just a British thing. In the Netherlands it is seen as being in very poor taste to openly discuss money. Much more so than here.
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not sure what you mean but if you're at work at 9.30 on a bank holiday monday while your family is in france then personally i'd not be happy with my work / life balance. but then you probably earn more than i do.

i never feel comfortable when someone asks how much i earn - i usually repy 'enough'. this made living in the usa difficult and was one of the reasons i came back to the uk.

I suppose it does help to put people on equal ground, but if you don't mind people knowing, I don't see it as a problem. As long as you don't expect others to tell you what they make, or look down on them if they make less.

I make far FAR less (and so does the rest of my family) than most of the people I/we know but it doesn't make things difficult.
Tenson said:
I suppose it does help to put people on equal ground, but if you don't mind people knowing, I don't see it as a problem. As long as you don't expect others to tell you what they make, or look down on them if they make less.

I make far FAR less (and so does the rest of my family) than most of the people I/we know but it doesn't make things difficult.
I dont have a problem discussing what I earn with someone who really wanted to know, but I would never use it as a way of bigging myself up or putting someone down. Sadly many people do use their income to do one or the other. Income is in no way reflective of ones worth. Edited to add: well technically that's actually a completely false statement but you know what I mean. :)
Discussing one's salary privately is quite distasteful, doing it publically is utterly disgraceful and well on the way to achieving chavdom.


i was passing comment that my french wife was visiting her familiy with our bilingual little girl. I went to the office for a few hours . so what
for the record i wouldn't dream of discusing my income in public- call me old fashoined and english if you like. my french brother in law is happy to ask/tell - which i guess is a cultural thing
re-reading what i wrote it does come across as rather patronising - i wasn;t criticising your choice just trying to say that it wouldn;t be mine, that's all.
i've worked in a number of jobs where 80+ hours a week were expected, with no overtime. in fact unpaid overtime has become a hot topic in my industry (computer games) with electronic arts recently losing a class action law suit sparked off by a blog written by the spouse of a programmer who never got to see her husband thanks to the games industry's tradition of 'crunch mode'. i now work for myself, from home so i can pretty much please myself as to what hours i work as long as i fulfill my contracts. i know how much i need to earn each month in order to pay the bills and as long as i earn a little more than that for lifes luxuries then money isn;t a big motivator.
amazingtrade said:
I am a moderator of a very large student forum and I find it quite staggering how many people think they can earn more than £100k a year, most of these people are still in sixth form.

I am pretty sure most people on this site don't earn anything like that and people probably earn more than average on here.

With the average UK wage been around £22k including London how these kids just completly out of the real world?

They're probably all intending to become GPs.

I agree - I had a lot of luck. I wasnt really boasting that much beleive me ;). I didnt say how much over I am. The best thing about my job is its low stress and graft. For the record money is unimportant to me.

I dont work in options or derivatives.

Yes IT teams in banks can earn that much. But its a small minority of IT.
Bub - my job needs brains. I have exquisite taste :P Yours has improved but you still have some way to go.
Perhaps if people talked more openly about how much they earn there'd be more equality in the workplace.
brizonbiovizier said:
For the record money is unimportant to me.

Yes IT teams in banks can earn that much. But its a small minority of IT.

Come now, there is a difference between money not being a concern and not being important!

Funny, my Dad did an IT contract job for Barclay's bank about 7 years ago and he made pretty much spot on £100k a year IRRC. - Long gone are those days by the way!