Fax machine ringing problem

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by michaelab, Nov 1, 2003.

  1. michaelab

    michaelab desafinado

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Lisbon, Portugal
    I have a fax machine (well, one of those HP printer/scanner/copier/fax machine jobbies - and very nice they are too) and when I plug it into the phone line it doesn't "ring" (ie, it doesn't realise there's an incoming call and answer it).

    Now, here's the catch: it's plugged into one of the analog phone line sockets of my ISDN terminal adapter. An ISDN TA is basically a little device that plugs into an ISDN phone socket and gives you 2 analog (normal) phone lines out of it. My phone works fine on both of the sockets as did the previous (clunky old roll of paper) fax machine we had. The HP fax machine has no problems dialling out and sending faxes, it just can't seem to recognize incoming calls.

    It's nothing to do with the fax config because if I lug the machine over to my other (normal analog) phone line (yes, I have an ISDN line and an analog line :rolleyes: ) it works fine - receives calls and everything. I don't want to use that analog line for the fax machine though because that's our 'home' phone number whereas the ISDN numbers are my 'work' numbers.

    I've tried different phone cables etc and no joy. So, anyone who knows about phones got any idea what the problem might be? btw here in Portugal we use the same kind of phone cables and sockets as in the US and not some wacky non-standard European system (have you ever seen an Italian phone socket :eek: ).

    Only suggestion I've had so far is that my ISDN TA is not putting out a strong enough signal for the fax machine - something about REN numbers and all that. Are there devices such as signal 'boosters'?

    michaelab, Nov 1, 2003
  2. michaelab

    nsherin In stereo nirvana...

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Portsmouth, UK
    Very likely that the advice you've been given is correct. I don't know much about telecoms, but I can tell you that cables do make a difference.

    I stupidly took my IBM ThinkPad into the service centre in Hong Kong, as I thought the modem didn't work. I tried two cables - one I wasn't sure about and the other that I had being using with my telephone - and that didn't work!

    Sure enough, it turned out to be the cable - another replacement seemed to work - but it was odd that the one that my phone was using, didn't!

    Felt like a right prat :D
    nsherin, Nov 1, 2003
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