flebay and payscam

mr cat

Member of the month
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I'm sick of these f*ckers - oh, and parcel2go...

first off - a few months ago my ebay account got hijacked - the hijacker then setup some business pro seller account (that requires a month fee) - which I cancelled - I told e-bay and they said yeah, we'll sort it...now - they've suspended my account because i haven't paid those fees - and why should I?

also, I sold my kef speakers on fleabay and I posted them using parcel2go (they used Home delivery network to deliver them) - and guess what? HDM lost a speaker within a day...so, the buyer's going ape (can't blame her) - and blaming me because of this...and I've just submitted an insurance claim with them P2G - but that'll take months...and paypal have held back the payment of this (it's what the buyer used to pay) going to my bank account until it's all sorted - so, as per procedure the buyer will get a refund and I'll be out of pocket for a few months... :mad:
sorry to hear of your troubles. I agree, eBay/Paypal can be more f***ing trouble than its worth sometimes.

A problem I currently have is getting spam emails about 'unpaid disputes'. When I try the item number in eBay its some random item which i've never seen.

Does anyone else get these emails?

Scamming f***ers
I think that we are all getting them, I am getting at least one a day, but at least Ebay /Paypal realise that there is an issue that they need to solve otherwise it will undermine the publics (shaky) faith in the process. I no longer answer paypal/ebay communications that arrive in my normal mailbox , I just forward them to spoof at ebay or paypal . I have noticed that I have been getting quicker responses back from ebay / paypal confirming that the emails were a scam.
There is a particular authentic looking one at the moment advising you that you have been awarded silver seller status - avoid.

The problem is that buying of a forum such as this feels safer to purchase on but probably isnt, and it would be relatively easy to make yourself look like a quality seller .

Keep safe

FWIW when I booked TNT through InterParcel.com and TNT lost a speaker the delay was getting TNT to confirm it was lost. The insurance claim was settled very quickly. I'd recommend Interparcel but not TNT...

yeah, seems strange (new concept?) that you'd book through one company and they'd user another company to actually delivery the product...guess it's my own fault in some ways - I should have investigated a bit more - but that doesn't excuse the fact that a speaker still got lost tho!
I wouldn't be too amazed about them losing a speaker. I heard a story about a courier loosing a full size piano once!

At least your speaker probably wasn't stolen though.... they would have made sure to get both speakers if that was the case.
another quick update here (or, rather not!) - I got an e-mail from parcel2go with a form I have to post...I need to supply 3 things - one is the reciept of pickup (which I have), the other a reciept of item - this is the ebay auction - and since my e-bay account has been suspended I'm unable to get this - so I've had to ask the buyer to post this as well as the written confirmation to state that she hasn't received the speaker...

she could of course get arsey about this but I have mention it will affect / delay any payments - and I have also forward that e-mail to the complaints dept at paypal (just to keep them in the loop...)

what a farce...
does anyone know the score with the insurance - since only one speaker has gone missing - will I only get half the claim..? - I think I should get the full amount as whats the point of only having one speaker? and knowing my luck - it'll be the one thats scuffed...
Having had a recent "experience" selling hi fi myself, I have come to the conclussion that the only fully safe way to undertake a transaction where significant money / fragile items are concerned is face to face.

If a buyer wants something he comes to my home and collects it, he then gets the opportunity to listen to the item and knows its fully working. Once he is through my door the problems are his.

I realise this cuts down on the available market ... but so be it.
yeah, I've sold about 8-10 items via fleabay and forums - this is my only bad experience - but it has left a real bad taste in my mouth... :(
Andy 831 said:
Having had a recent "experience" selling hi fi myself, I have come to the conclussion that the only fully safe way to undertake a transaction where significant money / fragile items are concerned is face to face.

I agree, I have only sold one big item through eBay and the courier damage that resulted wasted several DAYS of my time to get it sorted....Never again.

It was so bad that for my latest purchase, I will be catching a ferry from Ireland to England to pick up my new speakers. If they were sent by courier, I know there will be problems so it's actually more efficient for me to spend a day travelling to collect them. The courier industry is in such a bad state with all the cost cutting going on.

Re. insurance. That's a nasty one and I imagine they will only want to pay out 50% as only half the consignment was lost. Do you have one or two consignment numbers as that may have some bearing on it. If you only have one consignment number you can argue that loss of any part of the consignment should result in full insurance payment. If you try to claim for 100%, they will at least want the second speaker back as "salvage" I think.

p.s. go hard at them man! They will try to bully you if you show any signs of weakness.
andyoz said:
Re. insurance. That's a nasty one and I imagine they will only want to pay out 50% as only half the consignment was lost. Do you have one or two consignment numbers as that may have some bearing on it. I think you have to push you point with them hard. If you try to claim for 100%, they will at least want the second speaker back as "salvage" I think.

yeah, I've got 2 tracking numbers - one for each speaker...but I'm not sure exactly where the other speaker is - if the buyer has it or if she rejected it...I sent her an e-mail yesterday (as already mentioned) - but she hasn't as yet replied...but on the HDN website - it does look as tho she has got it... :rolleyes:
Is the speaker definitely lost for good. How long has it been.

I have had gear temporarily get "lost" in courier systems because of a bar code mis-read at a sorting hub. They then put out a "tracer" on the package to find it.
andyoz said:
Is the speaker definitely lost for good. How long has it been.

I have had gear temporarily get "lost" in courier systems because of a bar code mis-read at a sorting hub. They then put out a "tracer" on the package to find it.

it's been lost for just over a week - I phone parcel2go a few times and they said that they're looking into it - I rang them again yesterday and the lady said i should claim against the insurance...which I have started...

but the speaker got lost within a day - at the depot where the speaker was initially dropped off after it was picked up...

one theory I had was that - I had rang kef to get the gross weight of the speakers - but after I posted them I realised that they gave me the net weight... :rolleyes: and this was a decifit of about 8kg in total - as I payed only the net weight and maybe it was being held back or something? but then I realised they'd be too incompetent to know that...:rolleyes:
slight update I think...

just checked the home delivery network wesbite (tracking) and it looks like the missing speaker has been found and is down at the basildon depot (maybe delivered tomorrow or next few days?)- however, I'm not sure what has happened with the original speaker...it does look as tho it has been delivered, but the buyer isn't replying to any of my e-mails including the ones I mentioned above...I guess she's just making it difficult for me...

sigh... :roll:
Good news that it may have turned up, but I think your buyer will think the whole situation is entirely your fault regardless if my experience is anything to go by.

I sent a pair of Tannoy Little Red Monitors to a guy in Italy, and in transit both speakers were damaged, one quite seriously (voice coil knocked so far out of centre that the cone wouldn't hardly move at all). Understandably the guy was pissed off but he did admit that the packaging would have been adequate if the speakers hadn't been dropped onto their corners from some height! Anyway, I went through the whole insurance claim process which dragged on for about 4 months and eventually got a pay out for the full value of both speakers, which I duly sent on to the buyer. So, he effectively got the speakers completely free (and had gotten the affected driver adjusted/repaired for about £30 in the meantime anyway), but did he even say thank you? Did he bollocks :mad: .

It's understandable that the buyer is frustrated when they've shelled out their hard-earned, but if the courier loses or damages the item it's not the fault of the sender, it's a risk the buyer takes when they buy something that they can't collect in person!
You're buyer is lucky the courier didn't want the speakers back as "salvage". That's what happended to mt speakers that were damaged on the way to Spain.

I did wonder where my "salvaged" speakers ended up. I was nearly going to ask the courier if I could buy them back as the drivers were 100%. Cabinets were a bit fecked though.
looks like this has been resolved with the lost speaker actually arriving at the buyers house...yay...check paypal and they say the case is close and have e-mailed me (work email) - so will find out tomorrow...

I'll email her and ask if she wants my matching centre speaker...
Face to face

If dealing face to face, things can still go wrong.

I was given a forged bankers draft. I gave video of the culprit to the police (I have a door camera) but the WPC dealing admitted nothing would happen as it was too low priority (not to me - I was nearly 2K down).

Even cash can be forged.

For high value transactions, I prefer bank transfer when posting and bankers draft or cash for face to face but I go with the buyer to the bank so I can see it is genuine. So far, no one has been offended and told me to sling my hook!
if i think the item i'm selling is worth loosing in the post, then i deliver or allow them to it pick up, and discount the price, and i only ever take cold hard cash or direct uk bank account to bank account transfer.

its just not worth the hassle.

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