FS Singlepower MPX 3 Headphone Amp

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by Captain, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Captain


    Apr 12, 2005
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    Up for sale is my Singlepower MPX 3 headphone amp. Really pissed that I have to sell this but because of tinnitus a specialist at the hospital I saw last week has strongly advised me not to use headphones. I had a total rebuild on this one at a cost of £330 only a couple of months ago and have only listened to it for around 10 minutes since getting it back hoping my tinnitus would clear up so I could get back to using headphones. This version is the older point to point (No PCB's) it has had the Solen fast capacitors power supply upgrade and the Jenson output caps upgrade. With this one you can add a secondary 12 Volt power supply (which comes with sale) and run 12 Volt tube like the 12SN7 as well as 6 Volts like the 6SN7. It also has a second set of RCA sockets so you can plug in your source in to it, then run a second pair of interconnects out and in to your amp so you can run both amps from the same piece of equipment.

    As said this amp has had a total rebuild and has also been converted to UK voltage. The new transformer (which is big upgrade on the one that came with amp.) has been put inside the case with the one on top kept on to keep original look. Apart from the Solen cap and the 2 large ones on the top all caps and resistors in the power supply were up graded to better ones. The secondary power supply is brand new and only arrived today. Comes with a NOS/NIB pair of Tung-Sol Round Plate 12SN7 which test better than new, and apart from being 12 Volt they are exactly the same as the 6 Volt version that would cost up to £300 for a pair like this. I have only listened to these tubes for about 2 minutes this evening to make sure they are OK. Also comes with NOS/NIB Tung-sol tall bottle 12SN7 for power tube and one pair of RCA 6BL7 output tubes and Tung-Sol 6SN7 power tube so can be run without secondary power supply. With 12 Volt tube will have no problem running AKG k701.

    Sounds absolutely amazing very high end amp which very rarely comes up for sale especially in the UK.

    Looking for £650 plus shipping, cost me around £950 for amp, tubes, power supply, rebuild, shipping and sorting out.

    Some reviews here LINK and here LINK








    Captain, Feb 23, 2012
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