Gamut: another victim of the domino effect?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Lawrie, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. Lawrie


    Jun 21, 2003
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    Keepin' it real, right here in Lawrieville.


    This may or may not be old news but it appears that Gamut, the Scandinavian audio manufacturer has become the latest victim of the domino effect (following fast on the heels of Pink Triangle) sweeping through the audio world. Last week, I was enquiring about the Gamut CD1R CDP for audition purposes when I heard from a reliable contact in the business that Gamut had filed for bankruptcy. The Gamut brand name and the remaining stock which include the D200 power amp have been bought by Evident.

    I know they've had delivery problems for quite a while now with customers having to wait an awful long time or their orders. Many audiophiles it seems don't mind waiting for their audio products but for music lovers, it can be frustrating as all we want to do is enjoy the music whilst we are still alive and in good health. Gamut, it seems did not realise this and as a result of this point, I don't think I would have gone ahead with a purchase regardless of how good the product sounded. How many more music lovers out there felt the same way? What happens when the product has to be sent back the factory for repairs? Another six to eight month wait? Another thing they did which I thought was careless was to attach two black screws to the front of the transport drawer because many customers complained that the drawer plate kept falling off. All Gamut could have done was to source better quality glue instead defacing the front of the unit with those screws. Not a good sign in my book. The picture above shows the transport drawer before the two big unsightly screws were attached.

    So it seems that the Gamut name will continue in some way, shape or form but under new ownership. The domino effect rolls on. So who's next?

    Enjoy the music,

    Lawrie, Sep 28, 2003
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