
Discussion in 'General Music' started by themadhippy, Jun 28, 2003.

  1. themadhippy

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    by the cross
    themadhippy, Jun 28, 2003
  2. themadhippy


    Jun 21, 2003
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    I used to go to Glastonbury in the late 80's. I wouldn't go now as it is to comercialised. However it does bring back good memories
    ;) ;)
    GAZZ, Jun 28, 2003
  3. themadhippy

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    sound a bit of a daft reason to me. still a huge range of bands and things ging on isn't there? comercialised or popular?
    MO!, Jun 29, 2003
  4. themadhippy

    lhatkins Dazed and Confused

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Honiton, UK
    I've been watching the coverage on the telly, BBC 3 (for those of us with Digial TV) and BBC2 have been really good, they are showing a good selection of bands and not just the main stream stuff, its almost like being there without being wet, muddy, crushed, etc, well if I stood outside the house then I could have got the full expperience! Well I'm not keen on crowds so woudln't go myself, but its been good watching it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2003
    lhatkins, Jun 30, 2003
  5. themadhippy

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
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    by the cross
    i must go back someday see if i can find the many braincells i fryed there but to be honest its got to big
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2003
    themadhippy, Jun 30, 2003
  6. themadhippy


    Jun 21, 2003
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    I left a fair few there to.
    GAZZ, Jun 30, 2003
  7. themadhippy

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Seems like no ones made it back alive! Would have expected Dom here by now!

    I had a full on MO and the beanstalk experience. "you wanna swap some of them cans for some of these here magic beans?"

    Seemed like a really good idea at the time!

    But remember, too many beans make you fart! Within an hour I was attempting to shit on my mates tent :D"c'MOn lads! this is what it's about! Evis is sat there watching us on cctv! wants us all back to nature!"

    ...... then the dish ran away with the spoon

    MO!, Jul 1, 2003
  8. themadhippy

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
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    by the cross
    i think i saw sinhead oconnor once:confused:
    themadhippy, Jul 1, 2003
  9. themadhippy

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    how could you tell it was her?
    MO!, Jul 1, 2003
  10. themadhippy

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    by the cross
    her names amongst the list of artists on the back of a t shirt 89/90 i recon
    themadhippy, Jul 1, 2003
  11. themadhippy

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    I'm here in body at least, but this bloody job's got to go now for definate. I NEED something I actually enjoy now - after 5 days of pure being and feeling HUMAN again, working in a job that saps life is no way at all...

    Leon - crowds weren't that bad and it only rained during the Inspiral Carpets and a little bit on Sunday night - very good weather other than that (and I'd have PREFERRED it to rain in some respects 'cos I overheated on Sunday and had to sit on the floor during the whole of Yes' gig due to said heat - very uncomfortable.

    The Glade is ace - saw James Lavelle there amongst other things, and the vibe was great, barring this tosser who nicked some of my precious water to fill up a freakin' water pistol - I'd not have bothered if I'd known that's what he wanted it for.

    Mental note - don't do a strong acid trip with some mates, then go off with one totally blind mate in tow (sighted guide) to watch Arthur Lee and Love... BLINDING set, but quite freaky - the place was surreal enough as it was without peoples' shirts swirling around and the floor feeling like you were on a ship!!! When the sun went down it was fine though...

    And where else can you skin up AND eat a hash cake after scoring mushrooms? Good old stone circle - seeing the sun rise on Sunday morning (still a little tripping - bloody hell!) was absolutely awesome - even the Police (out busting dealers) were actually friendly to people - love spreads!

    The bogs weren't too bad either - a good thing too as it was spinny enough during Saturday evening without having to deal with a really nasty crapper while being caught short for a demonic dump (those who know me well know my dumps can be legendary!!!).

    REM were almost as good as in Cardiff Arms in 1995 - Michael isn't looking so well these days though. The Music (replacing Micky Corgan's band - Swarn or something?) were blinding - VERY impressed. XPress-2 were pretty cool too. Good old Billy Bragg... Oh - and I WISH I'd caught Polyphonic Spree, Hallucinogen in dub, and Raja Ram but you can't have everything!

    An advert - if you're a heavy clubber or like alternative teas - get to the Green Futures field next year and check out Lunched Out Lizard - very VERY nice Chai tea, cakes, and sweet things - good tunes, great vibe and cool people. A worthier place to spend Sunday morning from 2 to 4.30 I can't imagine...

    Now for those photos - wander if the ones from Saturday resembe ANYTHING I was seeing at the time? Ahem...

    I didn't have any braincells to lose before going by the way, so I'm safe.
    domfjbrown, Jul 1, 2003
  12. themadhippy

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    OH - and forgot to say - Jimmy Cliff was the dog's danglies - gorgeous sun and VERY VERY good tunes really made it feel like Jamaica for a bit - respect is due to the boy and I'll never forget that set - very impressive indeed!
    domfjbrown, Jul 1, 2003
  13. themadhippy

    ilockyer rockin' in the free world

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, England
    Yes, absolutely great festival, way better than '98 and not just because it was nice and sunny as opposed to cold, wet and very very muddy!

    The crowds weren't that bad at all, even moving around between the two main stages was relatively easy. REM was fairly packed out on the Friday night, many people leaving regularly for beers and talking through all the stuff they didn't know, even booing when they announced a new song (of which there were 3) during the encore. Bad Day was probably the best of the new songs.

    Jimmy Cliff was without doubt the highlight on the main stage. Great performance, although I knew some of his stuff I wasn't aware exactly how much of it I did know. Bar one song which was about September 11 I knew the lot. Must dig out my old cassettes.

    The Music were awesome, definitely a better option than Zwan. The standout performances from their set being The People and Human. For a band that are so young they turned in a really accomplished performance, I expect big things for them in the future.

    The musical highlights for me were probably them, Los Lobos headlining the acoustic stage on the Saturday night, superlative musicianship and a great performance, despite fairly small crowd and The String Cheese Incident, opening on the Lost Stage on the Sunday morning. The other major highlight of course was the sunrise on the Sunday morning, and the assorted cakes and truffles purchased over the weekend.

    The Waterboys were pretty good too, in particular a track called (I think) Isle of Iona (?) from the latest CD Universal Hall which I haven't yet got.

    There seemed to be an unusually high number of sound problems on all the stages, power outage on the oneworld stage on the Sunday afternoon meant we caught an excellent set by Slovo - must check out some of their stuff - and a slightly curtailed set by Yes.

    Another band that I must check out some albums by are The Frames, I caught the last half of their set while waiting for Sharon Shannon's performance (the stage was running late) and need to hear more. Kind of like an Irish REM if you really wanted to pigeon-hole them.

    See you all in the Lunched Out Lizard next year!

    Dom - will develop my photos and bring them up on the weekend.
    ilockyer, Jul 1, 2003
  14. themadhippy

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Sounds like a job for TMH!!!

    Sounds lke the two of you had a good few days! Back to reality now! :rolleyes:

    You wont have seen any of the tv coverage/interviews/media blah blah.... but Evis has said himself that it's the best one he can remember! Either of you get to see radiohead? What I seen of them on tv looked excellent! Both themselves and crowd looked well up for it!

    Other TV highlights (how depressing is that :( ) were David Holmes! Damn! That man and his free association got funk!

    Good work troopers! Now expect giggling fits in the office! You remembered anything stupid you done yet?

    MO :D
    MO!, Jul 1, 2003
  15. themadhippy

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    by the cross
    ah post festival blues,aint that cute :D best cure? get yerself to another festival .
    As for sound problems it comes with the terotery, normally the first couple of numbers that the worst,then you forget about it as the next batch of braincells jump ship,or the engineers cured the problem
    themadhippy, Jul 1, 2003
  16. themadhippy

    TonyL Club Krautrock Plinque

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Another pink world
    Am I alone in being really annoyed with the BBC coverage of Glastonbury? At one point on Sunday they were promising to show Sigur Ros, which is obviously enough to keep me glued to the TV, yet they played about 4 hours of the bloody Manic Street Preachers instead (who were playing the same damn songs as last year in exactly the same way). Its not even as if the programming was populist, any old fart has been muso who happened to be walking past was dragged in for an acoustic set and a chat, and any excuse was made for staying with the lame presenters talking crap about nothing (yet finding themselves immensely funny). They even managed to show the same bloody clip of Macy Gray three times over the day – I'm sure if someone had been farting into a bucket the BBC would prioritise it above Sigur Ros!

    Did anyone catch the Scratch Perverts playing Nirvana's Smells like teen spirit? It was exactly that, they played the whole record uninterrupted other than a couple of morons shouting over it. Just plonked the stylus down at the start and cued it at the end… total bollocks, yet obviously more important than any musical geniuses from Iceland that might be on the next stage…


    Whos just got back from a damn fine Grandaddy gig in Manchester :)
    TonyL, Jul 2, 2003
  17. themadhippy

    MO! MOnkey`ead!

    Jun 20, 2003
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    I heard several mentions of "coming up later.... blah blah blah... sigur ros.... blah blah blah"

    So, they didn't show them at all? Thought I'd just missed them!

    Iceland? Nah, *Hopelandish* ;)
    MO!, Jul 2, 2003
  18. themadhippy

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
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    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    My mate Loveday and her beau Umar saw Radiohead - her initial response "I didn't realise they were so dark" - urm, well, could have told you that! My dad taped BBC2's footage so I'm hoping to see them and Primals and Royksopp if they were on - any Morcheeba footage??

    Well, one thing that seemed like a great idea at the time was dropping that acid for Love (the song titles and lyrics DID make more sense by the way - although I couldn't place WHY they made more sense - I think I overanalysed/intellecutualised the trip so I could compare with photos afterwards), and then when everything went WELL trippy, suddenly the realisation dawned that I'd have to guide Ed (who's totally blind) all the way across from the mixing desk to the bogs so I could take an incremental dump (the emphasis was on MENTAL - the bog was fairly ranski!). I didn't get him run over, mugged, or beaten up for bumping into someone so I did well :)

    Oh yeah - and another stupid thing - falling asleep during Richard Thompson? (Ian, help us out!) due to chronic dehydration during Yes' set (despite numerous litres of water) and then drinking 3 pints at Billy Bragg's set, then attemting a fourth at Thompson's set - d'oh! I was fitshaced! Only sobered up at 1 at Lunched Out Lizard - blimey!

    Yeah Hippy - you got that right. WOMAD is next on my list, unless I manage to swing VooV Experience 2003 first (a German psy-trance festival - blinding by all accounts!).
    domfjbrown, Jul 2, 2003
  19. themadhippy

    ilockyer rockin' in the free world

    Jun 19, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Devon, England
    Yeah, it was Richard Thompson you fell asleep through, missed some excellent guitarwork there. It wasn't the greatest set in terms of content - I'd have liked to hear a few more older songs such as 1952 Vincent Black Lightning - but the performance was superb.

    Womad definitely has to be done, probably won't be able to do it this year though :( just have to sort it out and do that and Glastonbury next year!
    ilockyer, Jul 2, 2003
  20. themadhippy

    domfjbrown live & breathe psy-trance

    Jun 20, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Exeter (not quite Cornwall!)
    D'oh - should have had less beer - the guitar work I *did* hear from Richard Thompson was pretty damn good though :)

    Here's a nice one:

    Attached Files:

    domfjbrown, Jul 3, 2003
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