Headphone amp for Sennheiser HD600

Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Any recommendations for the above please? These are 300 ohms impedance :(

Scouring through the forum I see things like the following recommended:

-TPA6120 chip based amps on ebay (about £40)
-MF VCAN mk II (discontinued but I see it online for 79 euros)
-Rega Ear (much more expensive for the mark II)

All thoughts welcome.

Do you specifically want something other than the most transparent low noise amplifier?
As I said I demoed it for a couple of hours with some MF-100, some AKGs and the EB-33 earphone. It has plenty of drive and all very well controlled.
Thanks Joelsim, the MF box looks good. Its just the price/value proposition I wonder about :)

Tenson's question leads me to wonder whether transparency is available via something like the low cost TPA6120 type options? Is that the implication of your question Tenson?
Yes of course :)

I don't think you can really argue with the facts about the TPA6120 on transparency. There are of course other factors to consider.
Thanks for clarifying Tenson. As you say there are other factors but I am trying to wean myself off an addiction to shiny boxes, blue leds etc... :)

I have been exposed to so much marketing for so long, the first reaction is inevitably "at that price, it can't be good enough..." Will definitely give it a shot though.
You need to do a blind listening test to clarify the situation for yourself then :)

Get two amps, set the output voltage to exactly the same level (use test tone and meter) then switch between them playing from the same source without knowing which you are hearing. Can you hear a difference? If so, can you identify it reliably?
You need to do a blind listening test to clarify the situation for yourself then :)

True :)

Get two amps, set the output voltage to exactly the same level (use test tone and meter) then switch between them playing from the same source without knowing which you are hearing. Can you hear a difference? If so, can you identify it reliably?

Can't argue with this.
Can't disagree with post #9, Tenson.

(I need to get me one of these TPA6120 thingies. I suspect it probably makes a good inadvertant radio transmitter in many implementations :D )

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