After days of trying to get this simple code to work it still is not working. I need to develop an online shopping site using access and ASP. I've got this page working fine. The records are displayed from a database. [URL][/URL] That page works fine it clicking on a submit button then submits a query string ID to the order.asp such as below [URL][/URL] This again works fine, however I need to say if datid=3 then show select record with the ID of 3. I've done this using an SQL statement but there is aproblem with this line of code: ObjRS.Open "SELECT FROM cd.ID, cd.product, cd.description, cd.price FROM cd WHERE (((cd.ID)=""" & prodid & """))" , objConn, ,adLockoptimistic , adCmdTable I just can't seem to work out what it is. It is comming up with this error message ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9' Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. /shop/order.asp, line 27 Thanks if anybody know what it is causing this error. I have a feeling its somthing simple.