HELP - my Elite Rock sounds c**p! Why??

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by growla666, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. growla666


    Oct 31, 2009
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    I've just bought a second hand Elite Rock fitted with an Inspire RB251 (Rega OEM arm) and have fitted that with a new Dynavector 10X5 and to be frank it sounds awful. I'm hoping I've probably not set it up right but my Marantz CD10/Arcam Black Box 5 runs very large rings round it. Some of the records I've been playing have been poor quality but most of them sound crap. I've fiddle with the counterbalance, the anti skate (I think thats what its called) and am using the trough too but to no avail. Either the Rock never sounded as good as I first thought or the setup is still massively amiss. The last time I heard a rock it sounded fabulous but not this one. If I cant get it anywhere near how I remember its going on ebay and will be sold off. And don't get me started on my Townshend Avalon (which arrived damaged though the post and I've never actually got it working yet). Why did I try and go back to vinyl - nightmare!
    Out of interest I'm playing through my Audio Research/Krell/EPOSs at the moment.:mad:
    growla666, Jan 23, 2010
  2. growla666

    Mark P

    Apr 15, 2006
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    Sorry to hear this Growla,

    A few of questions:

    Is it level?
    How does it sound without the trough?
    What's the VTA like. Is the arm level or up/down at the bearing?
    Can you describe the in what ways the sound is awful?
    Mark P, Jan 23, 2010
  3. growla666


    Jun 20, 2003
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    first do a lot of research into turntable and arm set up ...the elite then moves on from there

    basics will need a flat stable surface to mount the tt on
    set the arm and cart so that the top surface of the cart runs parallel to the record

    find out what the correct tracking weight for the cart is ..
    using a down force gauge [not a digital set of mini scales] set the corrext down force

    antisake needs to be set mid way for now ,,,

    set the arm to balance by turning the rear counter weight till the arm hangs parallel to the sub chaciss with the queing platform lowered ...

    set the counter weight spiner to zero [usually nearest to the arm pivot ] dial in the correct down force by moving the counter weight back towards the pivot ...check with the scales to get the exact amount ..

    get a stylus protractor and set the cart by it to get the cart as best to parallel across its tracking curve ..

    pm me if you need help !
    zanash, Jan 24, 2010
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