Hey! I've been looking for a decent Hifi forum for ages (they all seem to be AV) and I'm glad I stumbled across this one! I have a fairly humble system: CD: Arcam 7SE Amp: Arcam 8R MD: Sony MDS-JE330 Tuner: NAD 402 Speakers: B&W 602 Stands: castle Stands Interconnects: Transparent The Link 200 & Cambridge Audio Pacific. Speaker cable: Supra (have some nordost super flatline, but it cant reach in current config!) All in all it does the job very nicely :) Considering I bought it over 4 years ago and I'm still very very happy with it! As cash is a bit tight, I'm starting to go down the DIY route now, starting with cables and hopefully making a decent stand soon enough :) If ever I want some serious high fidelity, i just take a listen to my fathers: LP: Linn Sondek LP12 CD: Arcam 6 Pre-amp: Meridian 101 Poweramps: 2xMeridian 105 momoblocks Speakers: B&W 802 Matrix S3 Stand: Aavik A4 Interconnects: Nordost Blue Heaven Speaker Cable: Nordost Blue Heaven I also have a pair of B&W DM7mk2s from the late 70s which are very nice, but a bit too big for my room at the moment! Mark :beer: