How can i best use a 6 channel power amp ?

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by nirvana, Jan 15, 2004.

  1. nirvana


    Jan 15, 2004
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    hi i've just acquired a 6 channel power amp - i also have 3 pairs of speakers. I had wanted to mainly use the amp for music, unfortunately it has 3 pairs of inputs & not one , i.e. uses 1 pair of speakers for each pair of inputs. I had somehow hoped that you could use one pair of inputs to drive all 6 channels.

    So how do i get the input from say, my cd player to 6 channels of output to my power amp ? do i need something in between, like a sound processor or such ? Can i use splitting cables to at least drive 4 channels from 1 pair of inputs ?

    I've also seen Maplin selling a Scart to 6 phono leads cable - do Scart plugs carry all of the audio info , could i therefore plug the Scart into my Tv & the 6 phono leads direct into the multichannel power amp ? ( all channels on the power amp have indiividual volume controls).

    any help much apprec as i'm new to this multichannel biz ! :(
    nirvana, Jan 15, 2004
  2. nirvana

    themadhippy seen it done it smokin it

    Jun 19, 2003
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    by the cross
    just link the inputs together.Wtth a bit of jiggery pokery you could bridge 4 of the power amps to double the power . for 2 channel use.
    The maplins 6 phono to scart is for audio in,out and vidio in and out.
    for surround dutys youll either need a decoder or a dvd player with decoded outputs
    themadhippy, Jan 15, 2004
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