[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by badchamp [/i] [B]just be honest. Honesty someone can deal with, bullshit/ manipulation/ playing games makes things difficult[/B][/QUOTE] Anyone who knows me knows I'm always honest and open, and she herself has said I'm one of the most open people she knows :) I learnt that lesson at a very early age, along with the one about being yourself (I've always thought things like chat up lines etc were really sad - and let's face it, if you're something you're not, people WILL find out, and people WILL rip you for it!). Mo - I'm almost CERTAIN to be hit by a bus! Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day... You have to seize the moment though... So yeah, this has reached an impasse and the ball's in her court - if she drops it, I'll deal with it. I honestly think (and this isn't big up or BS) that for once in my life it'll be HER loss if she drops it. She's got breathing space and we'll see what happens... Henry - no worries re hijack - thanks for putting up with all the discussion and reading Tues/Weds last week mate :)