Ian Brown at Birmingham Academy

Discussion in 'General Music' started by ilockyer, Mar 31, 2005.

  1. ilockyer

    ilockyer rockin' in the free world

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Devon, England
    Made the trek up to Birmingham to see Ian Brown at the Academy on Tuesday night. Wasn't sure what to expect, having read less than glowing reports of the first few nights of the tour, but he delivered a great set. He's now doing some Stone Roses stuff which is nice, he played Waterfall, She Bangs The Drums, Sally Cinammon, Made of Stone and finished his set with I Wanna Be Adored. The highlights for me though were his own material, particularly FEAR and Dolphins Were Monkeys, although none of it seemed weak against the Roses stuff. In all he played for about an hour and a half, quite a long set for him, and I don't think there was anyone in the building that didn't have a good time.

    The venue itself isn't too bad really, fairly easy to move around (apart from the bar areas), good sound and good sightlines. I saw the Pogues there back in December, definitely would go there again.
    ilockyer, Mar 31, 2005
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