iBook Sound

Discussion in 'Hi-Fi and General Audio' started by Tenson, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. Tenson

    Tenson Moderator

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Kent, UK
    I have a G4 iBook and when I plug it into my Hi-Fi I notice the treble is quite exaggerated compared to my normal Cambridge Audio transport and DEQ2496 DAC combo.

    I know people say the iPods output is pretty good so it makes me wonder... is my normal source quite recessed in the treble compared to most systems? I know for a fact it actually has a flat in-room response but compared to other systems...?

    I find it hard to believe really because on the DEQ2496 I am adding treble from 1KHz-2KHz by about 1.5db and only attenuating it at 2.5-4KHz by 0.5db.

    I couldn't help noticing that at the Heathrow Hi-Fi show the Wilson Benesch and Lamb system seemed to be pretty treble heavy when I played my own recording work.

    What I want to know I suppose is are most Hi-Fi's exaggerated in the treble, or is it just the iBook and a few of the systems at the Hi-Fi show?

    Should I be mixing my work to have less treble because on the mentioned systems it sounded very thin, even though on my system it sounds about the same tonality as other recordings.


    While I am rambling, why is the builder working next door so dumb? He put the fence up the wrong way, the rails it sits on are not level with each other or the ground and now he just put a full length gate in when the fence is half the height! AHHHH! I hate shoddy workmen :rolleyes:
    Tenson, Jul 22, 2005
  2. Tenson

    Anex Thermionic

    Feb 18, 2005
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    Bad hifi is exagerated in the treble so I should imagine most of what was at the show was exagerated possibly to try and drag out "detail" (if the Manc show is anything to go by atleast, 99% of that stuff was appauling).
    Personally I don't find the ipod out particularly good, sounds flat and dull. Not hugely bassy either. The iriver stuff is much better.
    All IMO of course :)
    Anex, Jul 22, 2005
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