Anyone tried it? Thoughts?
Yup - works a treat with no problems so far. I've been running a beta version for about 3 months and just installed the final release. Tabs at last
I got tabs on IE6 after I downloaded WIndows live something or the other from MS site. It doesn't work as well as the Firefox IME. Eg, you can't start a new tab by right clicking on a favourite bookmark as you can with Firefox. You can click on a button and open a tab and then click on your bookmark. I haven't tried IE7 though. That may be better.
I've moved from firefox 1.5 to firefox 2.0, a move with which I am very happy. IE7's new features are intrusive and take up too much screen space, while firefox keeps things simple and quick whilst being usefully customisable and more secure. Gave up on IE long ago.
As do I. However, work machines have IE6. Dad's put IE7 on his machines at home, but I found it taking up uncomfortably much room on screen, particularly on his laptop (1280x800)... Firefox is much better about that without the cartoony huge icons/tabs (which I don't use anyway).
I use Firefox 2.0, IE7 is too fussy and bloated. Even Firefox has many issues such as memory leakage but I am so stuck in my ways now I will continue to use Firefox.
MSFirefox Anyone? I use Firefox 2 here and at work. IE7 thankfully has not been rolled out at work yet. The software company we use to run the website has strangely said their software will not work with IE7 despite them working closely with M$ ! ha ha
Hi everyone, I installed IE7 on my mac this weekend. Just one question, why all the fuss? There are browsers that have been doing every thing this can for at least 2 years.