Interest check: Shanling CDT-1000SE tube output CD Player

Discussion in 'Classified Adverts' started by monty99, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. monty99


    Apr 27, 2009
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    Thames Valley
    now sold

    Considering selling my Shanling as the wheel turns again on the digital side of my system. This is the second-generation version of this model, which replaced the highly-regarded CDT-100. Not least thanks to its Wolfson DAC chipset and the top of the line Phillips transport (as also used in some very exotic kit), the original CDT-100 was very well regarded and frequently (often expensively) modded.

    Its replacement here has the same chassis and basic layout, but addressed just about all of the stuff the modders went for on the old one, which became standard spec on the new model, including improved clock PSU and improved PSU to the ouput stage. A lot of this technical detail is outlined here:

    I purchased this just a few months ago ex-dem. I've since replaced the original Chinese 6N3 tubes with some new old stock GE 5670's, a straight swap in terms of voltage and pin pattern, which made a modest but noticeable improvement to what was already very nice tube output. These are a little shorter than the tall Chinese valves (there are Russian equivalents too) so I was able to remove one layer from the space-age tube-covers, which I think makes it look a little more restrained (I think the look is really cool). Easily reversed of course in about 2min with no tools apart from a single Allen key (just the kind of mod I like ).

    The CD tube output is from the pair on the left, the right pair are for the headphone output which I never tried but is supposed to be something quite special. I put a matching pair of GEs in there for size, but of course that means, if you don't use phones, there's a spare set of NoS tubes in there. There is digital attenuation available on both outputs from the substantial, matching brushed finish remote meaning, it's all you need to listen to very high quality CD on headphones, also you don't need a preamp single source as you can go direct to a power amp.

    I've also used the CDT-1000SE as a transport and it was spectacular, easily matching my previous dedicated transport, modded Teac P700 I had previously with Trichord clock upgrade and double never-connected PSUs.

    List price on this is currently £1695 (and widely regarded as a bargain at that). If I take the plunge and decide to sell I'd be looking for £675 including courier. It has its original packing, double box etc.

    More reviews here:

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2011
    monty99, Mar 23, 2011
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