Introducing the PMC PB1i

Discussion in 'Trade Adverts and Discussion' started by Crustyloafer, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. Crustyloafer


    Aug 13, 2004
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    PMC (Professional Monitor Company) have now annouced that their new model in the i-Series line-up, the PB1i, will be on demonstration for the first time at the 2009 Bristol Sound & Vision Show.

    Bristol Show News: the PMC PB1i

    They sit between the OB1i and the EB1i. They are using two completely new PMC/Seas developed 6.5" bass drive units, I am led to believe each of which has a magnet assembly about twice as large as the one on the single 6.5" drive unit on the OB1i.

    Their primary goal is to offer performance very similar to that of the EB1i but in a more domestically acceptable form factor.

    The retail price of the PB1i will be £5500. There will also be imminent price increases across the rest of the i-Series range too, with the OB1i expected to increase to around the £3500 mark and the EB1i to about £7000 roughly.

    PMC PB1i Brochure Download: PB1i Brochure.pdf?download

    These are now avalable to order from The Home Cinema Centre in Edinburgh as well as other authorised PMC dealers. Demonstrations available upon request.

    Any enquiries, please telephone 0131 2299350 or e-mail us at [email protected]



    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2009
    Crustyloafer, Jan 13, 2009
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