I'm sick of having to use 3.5mm jacks whenever it comes to an ipods lineout. So in my (pathetic) attempt to improve ipod sound, I'm about to make my own lineout cable. I've sacrificed an old USB lead ( a freind had their ipod pinched) and pulled the plug apart (btw, the wires leading from the pin connections are something special, I reckon about 1/100th of a hair thick). I'm planning on carefully soldering a couple of strands from a cat5 wire to each respecting pin. Then running them out in a co-axial plastic core or something. Now, the question comes to shielding. Obviously I want to shield it. Can I put the copper plaited sleeve back on when I've put the cat5 in the core? If so which end (if not both) do I solder it to the ground? If not, what should I do for shielding? Or, is this silly, should I buy some ready shielded cable? If so what type? OR, is this a total waste of time - as in would a plain lineout + 3.5mm jack to RCA offer no loss compared to this. Even considering the crappy hair like strands, basic cable formation, and 3.5mm jack? My my, how did so many words end up in this, sorry guys. Anyone still with me?