I've heared it all now?

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by amazingtrade, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. amazingtrade

    amazingtrade Mad Madchestoh fan

    Jun 19, 2003
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    What do scallies do when they can't afford a sub woofer for their car? They wire the standard speakers out of phase. I guess all that enemim crap they listen to has damaged their ears to point were they can't hear passed 4Khz anyway so all they want is bass.

    They may as well just attach a low pass filter to their speakers and have done with it.

    PS As you can tell I am trying really hard to avoid writing these reports.
    amazingtrade, Nov 25, 2004
  2. amazingtrade

    lordsummit moderate mod

    Jun 19, 2003
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    In the Northern Wastelands
    Don't talk to me about scallies
    I've wasted an entire afternoon dealing with Scally invaders in school. God knows where they came from, everytime I got one outside another bleeder appeared. Rang the police in the end. Then wasted another hour giving descriptions....
    Well officer, one had blue adidas trackies tucked into their slightly grubby socks and had a hood and a baseball cap on, face, yes he had one. The other, ah distinguishing feature great big blingy chain that said Natalie. There that'll help you find them. forunately the CCTV was more help!
    lordsummit, Nov 25, 2004
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