Jumping out of a plane...

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by stumblin, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. stumblin

    stumblin Kittens getting even...

    Oct 24, 2003
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    ...with only a sheet and a few bits of string to seperate me from the world's largest pizza record.

    Yup, tomorrow I'm going for my first sky dive! Tandem jump from 13,000 ft over inland California. Very excited. If it goes well, I may well go for my certificate. 2 days, 10 jumps qualifies me to make solo jumps. Anyone else done this? Any feedback?

    I'll try to post some piccies, assuming they aren't of me pooing myself.
    stumblin, Nov 20, 2004
  2. stumblin


    Jun 20, 2003
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    One of the best feelings in the world!!!!

    I did this for a few years, starting when I was in the Great Lakes area for a couple of years, clocking up a total of about 80 jumps.

    Once you get over the nerves enough to appreciate it the feeling of falling away from the jumpship is a great high, turning loops barrel rolls etc a mile away from anything else up, down or sideways gives you an amazing feeling of freedom....and feeling the wind in a track or steep dive when you get up to 180mph is really something else :cool: . And the fun continues when (or if :) ) your canopy opens - feel those Gees when you put it into a spin. And if you get some fluffy cumulus clouds to fall between the view gets out of this world! :banana:

    Gave up after a couple of years trying to get enough jumping in the UK - our weather + hopelessly crowded airspace in SE England (+ the British propensity to regulate the fun out of anything) really pissed me off and I got bored of spending all weekend sitting on a DZ waiting for the occasional jump.

    10 jumps in 2 days is par for the course for experts, but will be pretty exhausting for a newbie. I only really managed about 2-3 a day in those early days, what with learning 'chute packing and the effects of excess adrenaline sloshing around in the system.

    California and Florida always seemed to be the places to do it. Have fun!
    GrahamN, Nov 20, 2004
  3. stumblin

    MartinC Trainee tea boy

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Not sure if you post on HiFi Choice or not, but Frontfloater is somewhat keen on skydiving (clue's in the name ;) ).
    MartinC, Nov 20, 2004
  4. stumblin

    stumblin Kittens getting even...

    Oct 24, 2003
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    Well, I've done it and survived. What an amazing feeling! Photo's to follow. Would recommend to anyone, at least once!

    I'm now sorely tempted to do the 2 certification.
    stumblin, Nov 20, 2004
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