I have been a sleep for the last 16 hours I was very ill yesterday when traveling back to Manchester. The city itself although feels quite small was very freindly and I love the fact the clubs stay open later and they serve until they close, they dosn't seem to be such a big rush . I also loved the non smoking law and all the places we visted were packed out so I don't think it has affected business much. Drinks were amonsgt the most expensive I have seen in Europe, certainly dearer than Barcelona but were cheaper than Paris. The public transport system was a bit lacking, we just walked everywhere because the buses were extremely overcrowded and the ques were huge. The DART is also a bit infrequent at every 20 minutes. The concert was very good, Morrissey was on top form as normal, he sang a lot of Smith's songs too. He sang How Soon Is Now, Big Mouth Strikes Again, Shop Lifters of the World, The encore was There is a light that never went out which sent the crowd crazy. A very good concert well worrh traveling all that way for. Dublin is a very nice city and the irish are very friendly.